ROOLZ O' DA BLOG--Ya break 'em, ya git shot.
1. No cowards. State your first and last name. "Anonymous" aint your name.
2. No wimps.
3. No cussin'.
4. State no argument without reference to a biblical passage or passages and show a strong logical connection between your statement and the passages you cite.
5. Insults, sarcasm, name-calling, irony, derision, and humor at the expense of others aren't allowed unless they are biblical or logical, in which case they are WILDLY ENCOURAGED.
6. No aphronism.
7. Fear God, not man.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Boy, did I get in trouble when I wore that tee-shirt to church. I had a tee-shirt with a picture of Sallman's "Christ at the Door" painting (as seen here to the right) on the front. Under the picture the shirt read, "This is a lie."

I recently got into a bit of a discussion with a man who put a picture up at his website. It is a picture of a "Jesus" statue looking down and it has been altered to make it look like its head is bleeding. Well, okay, it wasn't a discussion. He was hopping mad. I was, and am still, sick with severe bronchitis, so I got hopping mad that he was hopping mad at me for just trying to inform him of something in Scripture he was ignoring. (Of course, it may not have helped that I asked him who was the statue on his website with the red paint coming out of its hair.)

I told him about the entire Second Commandment and he gave me the lamest set of excuses a sentient mind could possibly fabricate for disobeying God ever heard on the planet. However, those excuses are typical of those who wish to make up faces and hair styles, put them together in a picture, and lie to kids by telling them that what they have just made up out of whole cloth is "Jesus." It's a lie.

BUT, getting back to my banned-from-church tee-shirt...that tee-shirt was inexcusable, actually. The picture isn't a lie. It's an entire universe of lies.

Stay tuned as we mentally explore some of the myths about "Jesus" pictures and some of the myths these phonied-up deities perpetrate on the naive. Meanwhile, get out Exodus 20:4-6. There you will read the Second Commandment. It does NOT say, "Thou shall not make any graven images." If you think so, you may have been lied to in Sunday School. I was.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Quote Of The Week 04-21-07

Night and day are all one to a blind man, truth and error are all one to an ignorant man. --Charles Spurgeon in response to those that say doctrine is a small matter.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Dri-Yup, Shweet Hot!

What's all the fuss about? So some thirty folks were killed at Virginia Tech yesterday by a mad man. So what? Another 4,000 Americans died yesterday at the hands of death care professionals. Some were torn into pieces while still alive and without any medication for the pain. Others had their skin burned off chemically without anesthetic. Others were suffocated. Others were thrown into trash bins to die slowly from exposure and/or hampered breathing. And none will receive a proper funeral. Instead, many of these folks will have their cadavers raided without their knowledge or permission, for spare parts sold by the murderers to who knows--maybe you. They were aborted so their American parents can have sex whenever and with whomever they want.

So, you'll excuse me if I don't bawl my eyes out for Virginia Tech.

Phil Perkins.

The Truth About The Virginia Tech "Massacre"

I find it really interesting to hear the folks speculate about just why Cho Seung-hui killed all those people at Virginia Tech. On the right we hear that if someone in those class rooms had just had a conceal-and-carry permit for a grenade launcher, then that student or professor could simply have set up the launcher, put the criminal in the cross hairs, pulled the trigger, and yelled "Incoming!!!" That would have been that.

From the left, however, come calmer voices. Voices of reason. Voices of wise women. Voices of men who wish they were wise women, but their insurance doesn't cover the surgery. Simply outlaw guns. Tougher gun laws keep people from being killed. We know that because men of integrity like Ted Kennedy say so all the time. And so does Dan Rather. And he never lies.

As it turns out, Virginia Tech (unlike the rest of Virginia) has the toughest gun law possible. No guns are allowed. Virginia Tech is a gun-free zone.

Here's the shocking truth behind this so-called massacre: It didn't happen. The government-media-military-Hollywood-Vatican-Trilateral-Commission-Illuminati-CIA-FBI-USDA-FDA-USPS complex simply faked it, like 911, in order to keep the citizenry frightened and in line. The fact is that since the school is a gun-free zone, we know this "massacre" didn't really happen at all. Cho, if he exists at all didn't really have any guns because he was in a gun-free zone. In fact, I have yet to see any real proof that there is this "Virginia Tech" where this "massacre" supposedly happened.

Maybe a guy should yell "fore" in a situation like that.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Chuck Colson And Mystics?

I used to listen to Charles Colson every morning for about 5 minutes on a local radio station. He has a short editorial program each week day called Break Point. I loved that program for years. It gave one a quick take on some current event or trend in the arena of politics, religion, society, or entertainment from a Christian perspective. However, he started to associate with characters who are not orthodox. And I don't mean he went to lunch with them or worked with them on projects that had little to do with the faith. No, he engaged them in ways Christians ought not do. For instance, he has recently worked with Rick Warren on a project about faith and worldview.

Today, I tuned in for the first time in a while. He was plugging a show on PBS. It was about a really spiritual man and Colson spent quite some time telling his listeners just how good and wonderful this man was.

This man was Henri Nouwen, a catholic mystic and syncretist, who sought to mix mysticism and psychology with Catholic theology. (Yeah, just press the puree button and stand back.) I don't trust Charles Colson any longer. And neither should you.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Quote Of The Week 04-01-07

You do not have to be culturally sensitive if you are biblically accurate.
----Paul Washer, sermon "I Am Under Obligation"