ROOLZ O' DA BLOG--Ya break 'em, ya git shot.
1. No cowards. State your first and last name. "Anonymous" aint your name.
2. No wimps.
3. No cussin'.
4. State no argument without reference to a biblical passage or passages and show a strong logical connection between your statement and the passages you cite.
5. Insults, sarcasm, name-calling, irony, derision, and humor at the expense of others aren't allowed unless they are biblical or logical, in which case they are WILDLY ENCOURAGED.
6. No aphronism.
7. Fear God, not man.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Two potential Southern Baptists were killed by their own mother. The mother's name is "Kayla." The story was on Fox News last night. Kayla is a pretty 17 year old high school girl. The vivacious blonde who usually shows a vibrant smile was shown weeping on an abortionist's table. Her mother (the grandmother of the child who had just been or was about to be murdered by the attending "physician") was at her side. Kayla had to tell an attendant that this was her second abortion. Kayla's mom was not aware of a prior abortion Kayla had so this was news to her. Pain registered on the grandmother's face as she learned that her first grandchild had existed and was murdered by her daughter.

The scene changed. The two women, Kayla and the grandmother, were in a cafeteria. Kayla expressed concern that in a Southern Baptist church a teen girl with a child might be looked down upon. Rather than face disapproval for fornication (WAH!), it was better to kill the kids, she reasoned, though not in such straightforward language. After all, straightforward honesty is not called for when excusing murder. But not to worry--the matriarch comforted Kayla. She said that even though the kids in the church would not accept her, Jesus would.

How is it that an older women, and a long time Evangelical, could lie so? Has she not read, "God hates all who do iniquity"? Or "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God." Or "Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Evidently, Grandma doesn't know these things. Jesus will NOT accept Kayla. Who will tell Kayla the certain truth that she is headed for hell unless she repents? Certainly not her own Evangelical mother. Kayla is both a murderer and a fornicator. And such will go to hell or the Bible is not true.

The news article ends with confirmation of this sad fact. Kayla's face is zoomed in on as she makes a vow to do "everything I can" not to get pregnant until she is "ready." This is confirmation of her unregenerated soul and her sure destiny in hell because there is no repentance. Repentance would cause her to vow never to fornicate again. Staying unpregnant is not something a single woman has to try to do if she obeys God's demands for purity.

Pull your pants up and get on your knees, Kayla. It's time to repent.

Who would like to bet that when their pastor finds out about this neither one is disciplined by the church?

Hoping I'm wrong,
Phil Perkins.


Unknown said...

I'm curious as to what you think their church ought to do to punish them. I'm sort of familiar with what a Catholic priest might prescribe, but I wonder if many churches have left themselves any constitutional remedy. According to the constitution of the Independent Baptist church I go to, not attending services is the only punishable offense.

Phil Perkins said...


"Pastors like Joel Osteen claim to be called as life-coaches, forsaking the responsibility of teaching and preaching the Holy Bible. These pastors often pepper their sermons with a few Bible verses, but they use scripture to prop up teaching that promotes popular psychology."--REB.

You said a mouthful there, but back to your question.

First, the church ought to teach both the mother and the daughter the true gospel, starting with the truth about God. God is a consuming fire, as well as love.

He will not abide anyone who willingly continues in sin. Thus, it is almost certain these two are not converted. They are still in their original state of sinful rebellion and will face eternal judgment. So the church first, ought to seek their repentance. True faith exhibits itself in a changed life.

The mother has been taught that God will accept someone like her daughter, who is both a serial fornicator and a murderer of her own children. So this false teaching in their lives has to be remedied.

Second, if no repentance is forthcoming, kicking them out of the church is the only choice. And here I don't care about the church constitution. What has that to do with anything? If the constitution does not require it, and many will require it, then obey the Scriptures, not the traditions of men.

All this really misses the big picture, though. Yes, it's true that these two women think they're Christians. They aren't. And yes, they need to be lovingly told so...but the really sad thing is that this sort of thought is not repugnant to the church in general.

Why is it that the divorce rate in the Evangelical community is the same or higher than the general population? Is it really that so many Christians are that bad, or is it a case of the fruit reflecting the root?

Two trees side by side. One is a pear tree, the other an orange tree. We know so because the folks where we bought them had "pear tree" and "orange tree" labels on them respectively. We paid our money, transplanted them, watered them, and waited for the fruit.

When both trees make pears, are going to be so stupid as to think both are not pear trees?

Two groups of people. Both watch the same television shows, laugh at the same debauchery, have the same level of teen pregnancy, have the same level of teen drug abuse, have the same level of divorce, have the same abortion rate, use the same language. One group says it's Christian. The other says it's not?

The only difference is what they say, not what kind of people they are.

The very first thing to be done is to seek repentance in the church, because almost all of us are going to hell, too.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Unknown said...


I agree with what you've said about responsibility of the Church. I'm struggling with the prevailing weakness of Christians on these matters. Obviously that weakness is due in large part to compromise with sin in the leadership of churches.

There is way too much double-talk in Christian circles. Too many can't tell the difference between heresy and Hershey. I'm trying to educate myself on the former, because I'll remain ignorant if I don't.

I'm a few years younger than you, Phil. The lying spirit of Political Correctness seems to be ingrained in our generation. I think PC'ness is a smokescreen to cover personal iniquity. It seems a little ironic that the same generation that made a name for itself through social rebellion is reduced to fighting against itself in middle age.

It proves that God will not be mocked after all, don't you think?

Phil Perkins said...

Howdy again.

Did a word study. In the NT we are called believers a number of times. Slightly more times we are called the elect. Over twice as many times as either of these we are called HOLY ONES--the common translation is "saints" but the word means "holy ones."

At church or at work we may ask someone, "So, are you a believer?"
Imagine asking, "So, are you holy?" Bet you make a lot of poeple mad with that one, but it's biblical.

"I'm struggling with the prevailing weakness of Christians on these matters." Weakness or wickedness, to borrow from Leonard Ravenhill. Your struggle is good. It shows biblical thought patterns and a heart that loves God. Indifference is the disease du jour.

I'm getting some great quotes from you.

"...PC'ness is a smokescreen to cover personal iniquity." YES! YES! YES! A thousand times YES!

"It seems a little ironic that the same generation that made a name for itself through social rebellion is reduced to fighting against itself in middle age.

It proves that God will not be mocked after all, don't you think?"

Yes, I do think that. We killed our children so we could have sex with whomever we wanted whenever we wanted and now we need immigrants (legal or otherwise) to come in and feed our government retirement plan since the murdered kids didn't grow up to work and pay taxes. Geniuses aren't we?

I recently gave a sermon on the reduction of Christian thought from the objective study of the Bible to a pagan style dependence on feelings. In that sermon I named my generation as the most wicked generation in the history of America and possibly in all of the western world. There is much your generation must overthrow that has been dumped onto you like a load of rotting garbage in August. We did that to you. And I don't exclude myself. I was religious and even got a seminary degree, but I wasn't saved until I was 38.

You, sir, are on the right track. Pastors and congregants will attempt to talk you out of it. "You're too legalistic," they'll say. Or, "You're too literal in your interpretation of the Bible." Or, "You don't have the joy of the Lord. Quit being so serious." Or, "God is love. Stop judging."

Yes, REB, you think biblically. Don't change. You'll be persecuted and lonely, but your reward in Heaven will be great--Mt. 5:13.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Unknown said...

Brother Phil,

Thanks for your kind words and encouragement!

I appreciate your work to expose the Emergers. They have much in common with Revisioners like Spong. The fact that a man like him is permitted to wear a priest's collar while mocking the death an resurrection of Jesus Christ is simply astonishing. It's a clear mark of the apostate church, irrespective of denominations.

We know that the Church has power through the Holy Spirit. The churches are powerless, because they deny the Spirit and turn to gimmicks and worldly philosophies.

I was born to be alone, so I don't mind it much. Without Christ, I am a curse. Jesus is the only one who could love me. He brought me into the church, after bringing me into the Church, to teach me about love. The Church is worthy of love, but the church isn't very lovable.

Love and the cross go together, but many try to separate them. I've walked into a few conversations where the love aspect was presented in a very lopsided way. I was accused of being judgmental when I spoke of the aspect of judgment in context. It's funny how that works.

They separate truth and love too. People think we're being too salty when we speak the truth. Love is meaningless when we separate it from the truth. The condition of our nation is proof of that. The Love Generation is wallowing in confusion, because the truth does not abide in it.

May God remember mercy in judgment!