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7. Fear God, not man.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Yes, that's right. The new thing out now is that you don't have to believe the Bible to be a believer. I know that sounds stupid, but I have been assured by several people with very straight faces it isn't. Instead, it's just very "nuanced" as many say.

Funny. When folk like that say "nuanced" these days they say it as if the rest of us may not be smart enough to know what that means. So, I'll take a moment to straighten out you backward people who sit around reading just your Bibles all the time, because heaven knows you have to do a lot more than that just read your Bible in order to keep up with all the theological innovations made by the sort of folk who say things like "nuanced," "metanarrative," "missional," and stuff like that. So here's what "nuanced" means: It means I am trying to fit an old heresy that the church rejected hundreds of years ago in by calling it something else really new and different-sounding. The point of the "nuanced" thing is to make an old, rejected idea sound like something novel that only the "nuanced" person and his friends could think of and that no one else in two thousand years of Church theology, thought, Scripture-searching, and scholarship could ever have thought of. EVER.

Several times in the last year I have had discussions with folks I otherwise would have thought to be real Christians. These quazi-Christians have introduced me to a new doctrine. The doctrine simply states that one doesn't have to believe in the inerrancy of Scripture to be a Christian.

Now, that sounds much more nuanced than the way I first stated it in my opening paragraph. You don't have to believe in inerrancy to be a Christian. So one can believe in Christ, but doubt the factuality of the Bible He seemed to love and trust.

This is a very stupid thing to say and here's why: Jesus taught and acted as though the Scripture was a reliable guide to truth. He told His Father that His Word was truth. This presents the unbelieving believers with a logical problem. Specifically, they must make a case that those who believe in Christ don't have to believe Christ. Or, to put it another way, one may believe that Christ is the God of All Truth while believing this God of All Truth was either mistaken or lying when He said and acted as if the Bible is completely true.

This case cannot be made to anyone who is not on pot or a rock-ribbed Evangellyfish.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

1 comment:

Echindod said...

nice nuanced article.