ROOLZ O' DA BLOG--Ya break 'em, ya git shot.
1. No cowards. State your first and last name. "Anonymous" aint your name.
2. No wimps.
3. No cussin'.
4. State no argument without reference to a biblical passage or passages and show a strong logical connection between your statement and the passages you cite.
5. Insults, sarcasm, name-calling, irony, derision, and humor at the expense of others aren't allowed unless they are biblical or logical, in which case they are WILDLY ENCOURAGED.
6. No aphronism.
7. Fear God, not man.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

IF YOU WON'T STAND NOW YOU WON'T STAND LATER--Why a man who doesn't witness regularly is unfit for the pulpit.

1. Silence is sin. Acts 20:20. Even Jimmy Swaggart cried some crocodile tears for his sin and feigned some sort of repentance. Non-evangelists are hard and unashamed, as if this is normal. Not even a fake tear or two.

2. Let's be honest, the reason we don't witness is we don't want to be ridiculed or punched in the mouth. You have to be ready for that if you go witnessing. Paul expected to be beaten on a regular basis. Acts 20:18-24. In this age of sliding doctrine, a pastor or teacher will have to pay a price. DON'T EVEN TRY to tell me if you aren't witnessing now you will be willing to risk your career later. Don't lie to me that way. Don't insult my intelligence.

3. If a Mand o' Gawd (shamelessly stolen from Melvin Jones of "Pulpit Pimps") wishes to disciple others he cannot do so without taking them witnessing. Jesus did so from their conversion and this was the pattern of the early Christians in Acts.

As for absolute proof of that look to the Great Commission. There were two things His disciples were to do to disciple men after they had gone to them. One was to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The other was to teach them "all I have commanded you."

So just what were the commands He gave? Don't murder. Love your neighbor. Don't covet. Love God. Aaaaannnnnd.....

Oh, yeah. Go make disciples!!!!!!!!!!!

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

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