1. Solameanie, aka Joel Griffith, over at Seventh Sola, brought something to my attention. In Part III of THE SECRET SINS OF THE ODMs and Part IV of AMERICAN EVANGELICALISM IS A MENTAL GHETTO, I mentioned Moody Bible Institute in a very negative light. Moody Church isn't connected to Moody Bible Institute either through funding or governance. So, whatever is done or not done at MBI, it shouldn't reflect at all on Moody Church. (Lessinacorse sumbuddy knows sumpin I don't. Majun that.) 2. I mentioned Paul Washer without saying two things that need to be said. He's great. And you can hear his sermons at sermonaudio.com. Washer is definitely worth a listen--okay, lots of listens. Enjoy.
3. Unfortunately, due to my failure to correct an ongoing accusation, some have asked if I believe that anything but a word-for-word translation is a sin or incorrect. No, I don't. In fact, some of my readers are multi-lingual, so I know that they know there is no such thing as a word-for-word translation unless the document is very short. No two languages have vocabulary with a one-to-one correlation and no two languages have identical grammar and syntax. Literal, word-for-word translation is preferred, but never possible in all situations.
4. Frank Turk said he doesn't google himself. I said he did. I'll let you decide. Here's my evidence: a. He showed up here within hours of his name being mentioned. b. This is a pattern among some bloggers, using search engines or friends to monitor the net to keep tabs of all us and what we say about them. c. Frank is a very dishonest fellow. In fact, I had to cut him off after he repeatedly pretended to be able to judge translations, but refused to say whether or not he even knew the languages. d. He is soooo obsessed that he actually sent FOUR COMMENTS in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES------AFTER HE WAS CUT OFF. e. Even before I cut him off, he answered every comment I posted within very few minutes, so he does monitor things pretty closely, at least after he knows where to look.
On the other hand, he has evidence, too: He SAYS he doesn't.
See you all next week,
Phil Perkins.
Friday, January 09, 2009
A lot has been said, done, and controverted on this blog this week and four corrections have to be made.
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I don't know Frank Turk personally, but I don't know you personally either. However, I have followed Frank's writing on both his blogsite and on Team Pyro. I think you are making an uninformed judgement call when you say he is a dishonest man.
I'm just saying...
Please, read this entire comment. There is a common logical mistake that you made and even if you disagree with me, there's a logical lesson for you to learn that will help you think better in the future.
I'll just give you a couple of evidences you can read right here in the last four or five posts and comment threads.
1. He pretended to be able to judge translations, but doesn't even know the languages. And when asked, he refused to answer.
2. He actually contended that the biblical command not to tamper with God's word only applies to prophets. Follow the provided links starting with Part II of THE SECRET SINS OF THE ODMs.
Now unless he actually doesn't know better than that he's lying.
If he DOESN'T know better, then he ought not pretend to know much about the Bible.
3. He pretended right here (again just read) that the TNIV differs in its gender references only because of a different opinion about translation. But the fact is that Zondervan has openly admitted the differences have to do with marketing.
4. He claimed that he didn't monitor the net to try to protect his image, yet he proved right here that's not true.
5. He claims to actually be a CHristian, but still supports Eim Challies, who is in open sin.
There are five lies right there. But it's even worse than that.
But his sin is deeper even than that. Go back and read what he started his comments. At least half of what he said, starting with his very first sentence, was simply taunting like one expects on a playground. This is not the sort of behavior of a Christian man.
AND, if you think these men show any sort of grace and honesty with brother who confront them over their sin, I'm not the only one who has experienced their scorn.
You can read that in Edward's comments, too.
Here is the logical lesson I mentioned:
Since you don't know what I may or may not know about Turk, aren't you uninformed about whether or not I'm informed in my judgment?
You admitted you don't know, so be consistent and logical.
Stay holy,
Phil Perkins.
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