ROOLZ O' DA BLOG--Ya break 'em, ya git shot.
1. No cowards. State your first and last name. "Anonymous" aint your name.
2. No wimps.
3. No cussin'.
4. State no argument without reference to a biblical passage or passages and show a strong logical connection between your statement and the passages you cite.
5. Insults, sarcasm, name-calling, irony, derision, and humor at the expense of others aren't allowed unless they are biblical or logical, in which case they are WILDLY ENCOURAGED.
6. No aphronism.
7. Fear God, not man.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Many Christians today are calling for revival. They are mistaken to do so. Revival is the imbuing of what already exists with new life. In the past, Evangelical Christianity has experienced renewed vigor from the Holy Spirit in great moves of God many call revivals. These are times, such as the Welsh Revival, when God, in a special work, in response to the need of the church and the prayers of the saints, breathes into the church and individual saints new spiritual power to live holy lives and to witness.

What we need is a reformation much like the Protestant Reformation. God didn’t revive the Roman church. To make it stronger and more powerful would be to aid the kingdom of Satan because its doctrine was Satanic. God called a remnant out of the Roman church to return to biblical doctrine and practice. Thus, Historical Evangelicalism was born. Modern Evangelicalism is not the same. We have gone into sin and lost doctrines that are essential to make biblical faith possible and added others that make biblical faith impossible. We must not seek new vigor for Evangelicalism. We must change it or simply leave it to return to Historical Evangelicalism, that is, the faith once for all delivered.

May it please God, not to revive an old donkey, but to make us a lion again.

1. The Lost Doctrine of Regeneration.
If we aren’t changed, we aren’t saved. Jesus said that if we are His sheep, we will obey His commands and if we don't, we aren't His. John 10, Matthew 7:18.

2. The Lost Doctrine of Sanctification.
If we aren’t being made progressively more holy, we aren’t saved. Romans 8:28-29.

3. The Lost Doctrine of Personal Holiness.
If we aren’t radically different than those around us, we aren’t saved. Matthew 10:17 & 16:6; Luke 6:26; Ezekiel 36.

4. The Lost Doctrine of Corporate Holiness.
If our churches and institutions aren’t pure from false teaching, false teachers, and any who hold to false teaching, they are no longer Christian institutions. We must change them immediately or stop supporting them in any way whatsoever and leave them. Deuteronomy 12-13; I Corinthians 5:9-13; Revelation 2:6; 14-16, & 19-24.

5. The Lost Doctrine of the Glory of God.
If we seek our own glory or success, we are sinning. Philippians 1:12-18; Psalm 145. Matthew 23.

6. The Lost Fellowship of Suffering.
If we avoid embarrassment for being Christians, don't worry. We aren‘t. Matthew 10: 32-33; Romans 10:9-10.

7. The Lost Leadership of Men.
If men don’t act like men again with courage and self-sacrifice, all is lost. Our fathers gave their lives for correct doctrine. Many of today's pastors and leaders won't risk being called "insensitive." Men, let the ladies be sensitive. You be godly. And lead. And die. I Timothy 2:9-3:13.

8. The Lost Doctrine of the Sufficiency of Scripture.
If we read books other than the Scripture for Christian doctrine, we are blaspheming, calling God a fool or a liar. II Timothy 3:16-17. The only two proper uses of other religious works are 1) to illuminate Scripture by way of explanation or example by another more discerning or more familiar than we are, or 2) to research false teaching in order to expose the lie and expel the false teacher for the protection of those weak in the faith and for the preservation of the holiness of each of the saints and for the preservation of the corporate holiness of the church, Christian school, or any other Christian institution. I Corinthians 5:9-13.

9. The Lost Doctrine of Truth over Relationship.
If we value anyone, even our families, over being right with God in practice and doctrine, we aren’t saved. This is a call back to holiness and sacrifice, not meanness. Read and take seriously what Moses and Jesus taught in the following references. You will see that following God under either the Old Covenant or the New Covenant meant that many would be separated from families, friends, and loved ones who will not accept the truth. Much false teaching and many other sins in the church are tolerated simply because one brother will not sever ties with another who has fallen. In other words, will you be willing to be divorced by your spouse because he or she will not tolerate God in the house? Pastors, will you jeopardize your career for the gospel? Many will not. This is a disgrace unfit for the kingdom of God. Choose you this day whom you will serve! Deuteronomy 13; Matthew 10:32-39.

10. The Idolatry of Love.
If we worship the god preached in most of Modern Evangelicalism, we are idolaters, because the god of most Evangelicals is only love. The God of Scripture is much more. I John 5:6; Deuteronomy 4:24, 5:9.

11. The Sin of Reproving the Reprover. (The New Phariseeism--Unbiblical Rules Against Telling The Truth.)
If we continue to adopt the unscriptural ethics of the idolaters of love, we will continue to be like the Pharisees of old, adding laws God has never given, and honoring human tradition over Scripture. In our zeal for the soft, the sentimental, and the mediocre, we hate the prophet and make artifical rules to silence him. Amos 5:10 & 14-15; Matthew 11:16-19; Amos 7:10-17.

12. The Idolatry of the Effeminate. (Worshipping the Uber-mommy.)
The American jesus isn’t the Jesus of Scripture. It’s a bizarre mix of god, goddess, man, and an uber-mommy unknown to Scripture. We have idolatrous pictures of this imaginary girlygod standing at a knobless door, unable to conquer the human heart that Yahweh, the true God, created. This contradicts both reason and Scripture. Exodus 20:4-6; Revelation 1-3; Nahum 3:13; Leviticus 19:17-18; II Timothy 2:1.

13. Self Idolatry.
If we continue to preach self-esteem, we deny Christ, Who taught us we are filth. Filth awaiting judgment. Roman 3:23, 6:23.

14. The Idol of the God Who Serves Me.
If we continue to seek earthly blessings from God, rather than self-denial, we continue to indulge our emotions and expect riches and health on Earth, while our souls die. Luke 22:19; I Corinthians 9:27.

15. The Lost Doctrine of the Value of Doctrine.
If we continue to deny the importance of strong biblical doctrine, we are self-contradictory fools, valuing the doctrine that says no doctrine is to be much valued. II Timothy 2:14-18.

16. The Lost Doctrine of the Powerlessness of the Church and Its People.
If we continue to speak as if God cannot act without our cooperation, we will remain idolaters, blaspheming the Sovereign Yahweh, and worshipping a domesticated god we control. Deuteronomy 11:25; John 6:44-65.

17. The Lost Doctrine of Redeeming the Time.
If we continue to spend time in secular entertainment, we will remain unfaithful servants, not evangelizing those for whom God has made each one of us responsible, all the while poisoning our souls with the humor of Satan, the mindset of this world, and the desires of the flesh. Ephesians 5:15-16.

18. The Lie of “Impacting the Culture.” (Whatever That Means.)
If we continue to engage in this and other nebulous doctrinal sophistries, we will go to our graves, not fulfilling the Great Commission, which calls us to the specific task of teaching individuals the Scripture. Culture is the world, and is to be shunned. Learn the customs of politeness and modesty. Avoid the contamination of the values of any human culture. Love not the world. Romans 12:1-2; I John 2:15-17.

19. The Lost Obedience to Witness. (Evangelicals Who Don‘t Evangelize Are Lying!)
If we continue to cower, and not witness, we disobey Christ’s last command on Earth and refuse to disciple anyone as Christ taught us to. All His students were required to witness almost from day one. How have we come to the point at which a man can be called a Christian who isn't regularly witnessing? It is dishonest. It is disobedient. It is inexcusable. May God damn the preacher who says otherwise. The book of Jude; Ezekiel 33.

20. The Lie of Relevance.
If we continue to attempt to “make the gospel relevant”, we are apostates, leaving the original gospel, which God told us was plenty relevant since it, and only it, is the power to save from eternal wrath. Are we smarter than God? Romans 1:16.

21. The Lost Doctrine of God’s Hatred for the Wicked. (Lost to the people, hidden by the preachers.)
If we continue to speak and preach about the god who is only love and does not hate evil and the workers of evil, we are idolaters and lie to our hearers, damning even our own children to eternal hell unless they rebel against us and return to the God of Scripture Who is loving to the repentant and burning in His anger against the unrepentant. Psalm 5:5.

22. The Lost Doctrine of Repentance.
If we continue to preach belief without Christ's call to repentance from all known sin, we have another gospel and will spend eternity in hell, with the blood of our followers on our hands. Jude 4; Matthew 4:17.

23. The Lost Doctrine of the Fear of God.
If we continue to tell people that God is to be respected and not feared and that He will not send anyone to hell, we are liars whom God will judge eternally in hell. Most of our preachers have lied to us on this issue. Because we insist upon a god who doesn't scare anyone we either fail to speak of hell or tell the lie that our god doesn't send anyone there. Scripture says otherwise. Revelation 14:9-11; Malachi 1:14; Hosea 3:5 , 11:10-11; Daniel 5:25-26; Jeremiah 2:19, 5:22-24, 10:7, 10:14; Isaiah 2:10-19, 33:6, 50:10, 57:11, 59:19, 64:1-2, 6:5; Jonah 1:8-16; Jude 4; Habakkuk 3:2-16; Matthew 10:28.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

AFTER NOTE: Many have asked to reproduce this post and I will be away for a few days. Please do so. Encourage folks to copy it and take it to pastors, church boards, and denominational leaders. Use it as a petition to ask them if they will return to these biblical doctrines and practices. If not, then shake the dust off your feet.


Echindod said...

πορευθεντες δε μαθετε τι εστιν· ελεος θελω και ου θυσιαν· ου γαρ ηλθον καλεσαι δικαιους αλλα αμαρτωλους

Yomi Adegboye said...


What a beautiful thesis. Do you allow reproduction of your posts? This one so sums up the myriads of issues modern churchianity is all about, and proffers clear Biblical solutions that I would love to reproduce it on my blog.

Stay blessed.

Phil Perkins said...

Please do. It's still a work in progress. My goal is to take these ideas, put them in the hands of as many young people as possible, and have them circulate them around their churches and Bible Study groups. Take this to your church board and ask them if they will bring themselves in line with Scripture again and repudiate these sins. If not, change the church or leave and start your own. If your church is a good one already, give this to them anyway and thank the board and pastor for their faithfulness and work hard under their leadership.

I also will be developing these topic in further osts in the future, God willing.

Pray for reformation. Have any good ideas how to effectively work toward this end? Tell me. I want to know.

Can you tell me how these ideas might be published as a book?

Sincerely praying for reformation,
Phil Perkins.

Phil Perkins said...

Please say exactly what you wish to say. If you are hinting what I suspect you are, please review the context of Matthew 9:13. Whom was Christ addressing? What was His subject?--a call to purity or a call to compromise? To what was He calling sinners, repentance or compromise?--Luke 5:32 for comparison. In addition, what is the context of Hosea 6:6? Was it not addressing sin in the assembly? God was asking, through Hosea, for obedience, not religion. Do I misunderstand what you are saying?

And English is good so all can read it.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Anonymous said...


Excellent thesis. I can't wait to see how you expand this!

Can I borrow a point or two for blog posts in the future?


Yomi Adegboye said...


Thank you for being so generous!

Actually, I pastor a congregation that God snatched out of the present darkness. We already line up with this. It has been challenging re-discovering orthodoxy, but the Lord brought us through. Praise His Name.

Yes; I will be praying along with others. If I run into any ideas while mulling over these, I'll get in touch.

As for publishing, some friends of mine are thinking of publishing booklets carrying the core message of reformation, and having them distributed for free. How about you starting with booklets too?

Phil Perkins said...

Phil N.,
You don't have to ask. It's God's word. Only correct me if I'm wrong.

And I have an idea that has been brewing about the Emergent church. They lie about history. I developed the idea somewhat, but not to the extent it ought to be done. I will email you on that. It will take some work, but if you did it, I think you would stand alone in pointing out this particular Emergent lie. This ought really get out there.

God bless,
Phil P.

Phil Perkins said...

I discovered that you were a pastor after I responded last time.

Generous? Not so. It would be wrong to study God's Word and not share freely. It is no gift to give another what I do not own, but only our Father owns it.

Thank God for men like you, MY BROTHER!!!!!! Don't change!

In our glorious God, Jesus Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Phil Perkins said...

Would you do me the favor of emailing me the content of some of your booklets?


Anonymous said...


Thank you for this great post and you have one of the best blogs I've read in a good while.

In fact, I like the post so much that I'd like permission to re-produce the post on my blog under a column where I highlight great posts for the week if that's alright with you.

Keep up the great work, Phil. It's been a blessing to come across your blog.

Shalom Aleichem.

Phil Perkins said...

Of course. Reproduce it. Encourage folks to make copies and give this to their pastors and church boards. Then ask them if they will not go back to these truths as in prevous generations.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your permission to do so, Phil.

God bless, and Shalom!

King's Kid said...

Thank you Phil,

Continue to "cry loud and spare not". You are so correct these are great sins, and modern day "christendom" does not have a clue.

They tell us that all of the laws of God are encompassed in the two commandments that that Jesus quoted in Matthew 22:

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

You can not "love the Lord your God" if you do not know who He is, what He would have you to do, and be obedient to doing what He tells us.

This is evident according to great SINS: 1-23 that you have expounded on.


Carol said...

What an awesome post!!! Right on the money!!!!!


Phil Perkins said...

Thanks you. I am serious about these things. PLEASE get this into as many hands as possible.

I will be expanding on each of the 23 in future posts. This first will be started this evening.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.

Anonymous said...

this post discribes the "Christian" culture pretty well, but I am concerned about a couple of things that you left out. and I am wondering where you stand on these issues.

1. the doctrine of the literal 6 day creation. this issue is crucial; the rejection of this doctrine opens up the door fo all sorts of evalutionary garbage, which comes right out of secular humanism. This is big. Where do you stand?

An even bigger and more fundamental issue that you did not adress(I am concerned that you didn't) is:

2. the doctrine innarrancy of Scripture.

If we don't belive this fondational doctrine we are wasting our time with all the others things on your list. If reformation is what you want you should have had this one spelled out prominatly and plainly on your list(oops!). There are a lot of people out there who deny inherrency and support every thing on you list. Go public or go home!

Phil Perkins said...

Dear Mack 5,
First of all, sorry for the delay in posting and answering your questions. I have been out of town and working crazy hours. If you try again soon it will worse as I will be out of town for about 5 weeks with little time to even see my email. So I apologize for being slow on the trigger.

You, though, have been hasty on yours.

In answer, your questions are good ones and I'll give you a good straight up answer for both. That is to say, they will be honest ones.

However, your attitude is really out of line, as in "go public or go home". If all you want to do is to put someone down you're not welcome here. Put down false teachers all you want. That's a godly activity. It warns the saints about the snakes. But if you suspect me of being one, is it not proper to ask me these questions before you draw the conclusions you have unless, of course, you can find evidence that I'm in error before you start with the insults?

That being sad (that's a pun, not a typo), let's start with the most foundational issue: inerrancy. I didn't mention inerrancy for three reasons. First, while you're right that many "Evangelicals" no longer believe in inerrancy, almost all "Evangelical" doctrinal statements still include it and to my knowledge, most "Evangelical" clergy still will claim to believe it. I might be wrong, but I believe that's still true. I don't for a minute believe they practice it, but that's another story. Second, I didn't include inerrancy for a logical reason. If one believes in either inerrancy or sufficiency, one will have to believe in the other almost certainly. Logically, inerrancy makes sufficiency necessary, because it claims sufficiency for itself. Thus if it has no errors, sufficiency must be true or else it would be an error. Sufficiency doesn't make inerrancy logically necessary, but it does make it psychologically necessary. The reason is simple. If one looks to the Bible as his sole authority, it's psychologically very difficult to think it has errors. Not impossible, but very hard. I realize you have claimed otherwise, but I've never known anyone to practice sufficiency and not inerrancy. Third, the last reason I chose not to include inerrancy is to provide a good mental hook for communication. I won't go into my thinking on that here.

So, that's my answer to the inerrancy question. Your assumption that I must not believe it or that I might be ashamed of it warrants an apology.
Indeed, I was quicked out of a church this last July. One of the issues was my insistence that all our members believe in inerrancy. Our doctrinal statement stated that all our members must believe in inerrancy. So please don't talk to me about being ashamed of the inerrancy of Scripture. You know not that of which you so rashly speak.

As to the last question, I do believe in a literal understanding of Genesis. However, one needs to be careful and not say more than the Scripture. What I mean is that the Scripture does not speak of solar days in the creation account until the sun was created on the fourth day. As to the length of the days, we don't know because we aren't told specifically. We are told of evening and morning so that leads to a conclusion of a 24 hour day, but here again the Scripture says nothing of 24 hours and the Hebrew "yom" can mean several things just like the English "day". For instance, "day of the Lord." Where I draw the line is any hint of evolution or any other sort of self-generative, naturalistic nonsense involved in the creation of anything material at all. God said He made it all personally and there was no death (and, therefore, no evolution) before there was sin.

And here again if you go back right on this blog you will find several articles on Zondervan's Handbook to the Bible. I criticize it for several reasons. One is they hint at evolution. So again you have accused me of hiding my belief in biblical, personal creationism. You have spoken out of ignorance and presumption. You ought not.

Finally, Mack 5, I want to say we need guys like you to hold to the faith and to fight for it. Just don't speak before you know the facts about someone.

I have been fired from a "Bible college" for opposing the Emergent. I have been quicked out of a church for opposing the Emergent and insisting on the inerrancy of the Scriptures all in the last two years.

During the last reformation, much was said about the sufficiency of Scripture. It was included in the five solas. Inerrancy and literal creationism weren't and they had a whopping reformation--one we still celebrate today. So, consider this both and explanation and an exhortation to kindness until you know that of which you speak.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins. Ps. Inerrancy, sufficiency, authority, necessity--ala Grudem--And, no, I'm not going home unless Jesus calls me.

Anonymous said...

Phil, I confess, I was in fact hasty, and my words were in fact a put down; judging from the content of your blog you are very thoughtful and obviously not guilty of being a coward. Thanks for posting my remark and responding in spite of my being arrogant and out of line.

I must point out that I actually assumed that you did hold to the doctrine of inerrancy based on your stance on the sufficiency of Scripture(nicely explained by the way) and the overall nature of your blog, this is why I used the word "we" instead of "you" when I called you to the carpet. What I wanted to know is , why you did not list it, which you have explained -I should of just asked. Even in light of your response I still think your post should include the doctrine of inerrancy.

In regards to your take on the days of creation: I respect your position, but, I personally think that the biblical data is more conclusive (is that the right word?)then you present it, but your opposition to Evolution is right on. I don't know Hebrew, so my ability to defend my position is limited.

Thank you for your kind rebuke; any future comments will be stated in humility. Please accept my apology.

In Christ,

Nice pun-corny, but nice.

Phil Perkins said...

Mack 5,
I'm sorry, too. My words were too harsh. Here is one thing to remember: AT LEAST YOU'RE DEFENDING THE FAITH--and most aren't.

Phil Perkins.

Dorothy said...

Hi Phil,

This is a great piece of work.

We're living in tough times and it takes a strong constitution to stand up for truth. It certainly isn't a popular topic by any means.

I do hope you know how much I'm counting on you to help me out in a few areas.

You and I both know that when you step into a den of vipers and make a wrong move we can take a bite. But I know you know what the antivenom is, so be sure and apply it. ok? I'm counting on you.

Keep up the good work. This is one of the best pieces I've seen in a long time.

Phil Perkins said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I don't know what areas you wish answers in but if you tell me, I'll see if I can find some biblical answers.

You did well standing up to Richard Abanes.

I am hoping to turn this thesis about the 23 sins into a book to publish.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins

Dorothy said...

Hi Phil,

This will make a great book and great timing.

It's stands heads above what I'm reviewing now... :)

Phil Perkins said...



Thomas Watkins said...

Hello Phil. I post a lot at SERMONINDEX...[brothertom] and read your 23 sins, and loved it.

WOW. It ought to preached nationwide as a road map to repent.

We are on the same page and the neat thing is that I hear an echo out here in the dunes.

I've bookmarked you, and perhaps sometime later we can communicate more.

There is a cost to speaking the truth in love. True love is wanting to see people saved from eternal fire, and get to know the son of God.

Pay on my brother.