ROOLZ O' DA BLOG--Ya break 'em, ya git shot.
1. No cowards. State your first and last name. "Anonymous" aint your name.
2. No wimps.
3. No cussin'.
4. State no argument without reference to a biblical passage or passages and show a strong logical connection between your statement and the passages you cite.
5. Insults, sarcasm, name-calling, irony, derision, and humor at the expense of others aren't allowed unless they are biblical or logical, in which case they are WILDLY ENCOURAGED.
6. No aphronism.
7. Fear God, not man.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

GEEZUS O' DA WEAK--April 6, 2010

In the prophetic and apostolic tradition of ridiculing the ridiculous and scorning the superficial, I present to you this week's example of the god of the refrigerator, the deity of the dashboard:

This is an example of the Ridicuously Unbiblical Geezus. Now, you may say, aren't all geezuspichurz unbiblical, since they're idols? Yes, but the Ridiculously Unbiblical Geezus is an attempt to pretend that its geezus depicts some biblical scene or theme, as opposed to most geezuspichurs which make absolutely no pretense of being anything but fantasy. So, while pretending biblical sincerity, the Ridiculously Unbiblical Geezus is especially dishonest, because it pretends to be biblical and then ignores even the most simple of biblical facts.

Notice Ridiculously Unbiblical Geezus Number 1 is carrying a cross. With no blood, no nakedness, no torn flesh, no being spat upon, no mocking crowd, no prodding soldiers, Ridicuously Unbiblical Geezus Number 1 works because it helps us to imagine that we believe in a geezus who died.........but in a very un-messy way.



Anonymous said...

I like your geezus article. Just go on You Tube and you will see lots of geezus(es) ? on the Christian videos.

I have a You Tube channel and I am always looking for Christian material without geezuspichurz.

Extremely hard to find.

Phil Perkins said...

Glad you like it. As the youtube channel, not yet. Thinking about it. Check out the school described on the sidebar. That's my school. I teach worldview, apologetics, etc. The courses are free.

God bless,
Phil. PS--Look up Ephesians 5:5 and see if those who traffic in idols are Christians.

Phil Perkins said...

What is your youtube channel?


Anonymous said...

Hi. My You Tube channel is...
I don't make my own videos, I just borrow from others who do and put them on my channel.

The You Tube world is a crazy world with some good and a lot of bad.

God bless, Deborah

Phil Perkins said...

Wow! I just watched your Tozer-on-entertainment video. May I copy it here? (With proper attribution, of cours.) So true!

AND I think I remember you. Are you the lady who found out about the plagiarism of a certain Christian discernment fellow?

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Phil, Be my guest on using any videos. They are not mine. I just find ones I like and collect them.

Yes, I am that lady. I met you and Phil Naessens because of that whole incident. I did confront that person and pulled my financial support. I emailed Phil with the details but decided not to bother you with what happened. Why make you feel worse?

It is amazing what you find out about a person just by a little investigation. You can claim to be anything on the computer these days......like President of a ministry ( I set up myself in my house sitting behind my computer one day).
Titles are good these days as well like Pastor-Teacher, stand up comedian, professional musician and High School Football coach....some facts easily checked out and others not so easy except by an investigator.

Anyways, I enjoy reading your blog.
Keep them coming.

Thank goodness for the Real Jesus.

Deborah Smith

Phil Perkins said...

"Thank goodness for the Real Jesus."

Yes, indeed.
