Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Church Conformed To The World In The Sanctuary.
As stated in my first installment in this series of three articles on the decline of the Evangelical church in America, I named 12 foundational distinctives that make Christianity what it is supposed to be. Here I will deal with the last 4. (Find all three together in reverse order here.) These last 4 are not about the world around us at all. Nor are they primarily about how we interact with the world. Rather, we will consider the radical paganization of the Evangelical church within its walls. We have bastardized Christianity with an eclecticism that is shameful.
NUMBER 9. SCRIPTURAL PRACTICE. By this I refer to the idea that no pagan religious practice be brought into the church and approved. Here again, I will appeal to our collective memory. While most will not remember some of the changes I have written of to this point, this new change is recent and electrically fast, and it shows the acceleration of wickedness in our circles.
"Christian Yoga" was the first paganization I remember. It has percolated for quite some time, but now it is fully integrated with the "Christian faith" of some church goers. Zondervan has published a book called Yoga for Christians: A Christ-Centered Approach to Physical and Spiritual Health through Yoga by Susan Bordenkercher. In 2003, the Osgood Files had this to say about Bordenkircher:
"However, Bordenkircher says the movement and rhythm of hatha (physical) yoga made her more centered and reflective and more able to pray. Hindus strive for wisdom, knowledge and inner concentration, which clearly overlap with Christian goals, Bordenkircher says. 'My feeling was it's worked for them, why shouldn't we be able to do that?' she says. So Bordenkircher combined poses with Christian references. During the warrior pose, she talks about breathing in the Holy Spirit. She relates the child's pose to being at peace with God. And the balance poses are about finding spiritual balance. 'If it feels good for your body and soul, you should do it.'"
Notice how that last sentence takes us back to the sixties and seventies theme which said, "If it feels good, do it."
I want to be very clear here. There is nothing magically evil or magically good about the physical exercises done for the benefit that exercise has for the body. But look at Bordenkircher's words about it. She is pushing it as a spiritual exercise. She says it gives one "spiritual balance."
Recently we've seen an influx of "spiritual formation," "contemplative prayer," "prayer" labyrinths, candles, and incense. All of these are derived from mystical religions and most Evangelical leaders are not opposing them at all. At counterpoint to this is what Moses said to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 12:29-32. He warned, "When the LORD your God cuts off before you the nations which you are going in to dispossess, and you dispossess them and dwell in their land, beware that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, 'How do these nations serve their gods, that I also may do likewise?' You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God, for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it." I think that would include yoga, don't you?
Yesterday, I was in a Christian book store and found prominently displayed a flyer for Rob Bell. He's a young man who has made quite a name for himself by selling videos of breathing exercises and meditation to young church goers. These are practices borrowed from Hinduism and Budhism. Not only is he not censored in the church, he's a celebrity.
Again, the very fact that the debate rages on in the Evangelical camp over whether or not to accept pagan practices into the church and use them is a disgrace and 50 years ago, it would have never taken place.
NUMBER 10. GODLY ZEAL AND DOCTRINAL VIGILANCE. The lack of godly zeal has actually been a danger to the Evangelical movement from the start. The reason is a bit subtle, but worth looking at.
The beginning of the Evangelical church in America was a reaction to the collision of three forces. One force was godly men and women who wanted to obey God. Many of them called themselves Fundamentalists, just as many of us call ourselves Evangelicals. The Fundalmentalist movement began as a wall against the incoming liberalization of Christianity from German scholars of the 1800's and early 1900's. Schliermacher, Bultmann, and others wanted to change Christianity to become more acceptable to modern man. The Enlightenment was still a fresh idea. The impact of the Enlightenment on the European mind was to reject the God of Scripture as unnecessary. Hence, Neitzche said, "God is dead." We didn't have to postulate a God to understand the universe. We had science for that. All causes were natural and material. Miracles were not conceivable. So the virgin birth, resurrection, healings, and walking on water were myths. Now it was too great a change for Europeans to simply jettison the religion that had shaped their nations, so they simply set out to subtly change Christianity. Genesis is true, but only as a myth. Myth was redefined to be any story with a moral to it. So the Bible was a crock, but a very nice crock. With a moral, of course.
As this sort of thought floated across the pond, men like Harry Emerson Fosdick decided that preaching a new and improved Christianity was a good thing. He was a Baptist minister in New York and he took the east coast church by storm.
To stem this tide of sewage, east coast Christians, lead by orthodox Christain scholars on the faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, began to meet in conferences. The conferences began meeting before Fosdick came on the scene, but he served to intensify the efforts of orthodox people to make lines of demarcation between liberals like Fosdick and themselves. The conferences began in the late 1800's and continued until about 1920 in upstate New York, with at least one at Niagara. The fruit of these conferences was what they called the "fundalmentals of the faith." That is, those doctrines one must believe in order to be a Christian. The exact doctrines decided upon varied from conference to conference, but usually included these five: 1. the virgin birth, 2. the bodily, substitutionary death of Christ for sin, 3. the bodily, immanent return of Christ, 4. the inerrancy and authority of Scripture, and 5. the deity of Christ. These were the five decided on in 1910 by the assembly of the Northern Presbyterian Church.
So one force was the original Fundamentalists. Their enemy, the liberals, was another force. The third force was a number of folks within the Fundamentalist camp. Remember the early Fundamentalists were Presbyterians with only five or six rules. They were really minimalistic in their approach. They were not more narrow than Scripture. However, as time went by, some in the Fundamentalist camp came to add cultural markers and rules that were not biblical. They became the third force. As the orthodox Fundamentalists battled liberals, some Fundamentalists became hyper-Fundamental. As the Fundamentalist-liberal war raged, of course, most of the unsaved world sided with the liberals. Fundamentalists were branded as obscurantists, ignorant throw-backs, and worse. As the hyper-Fundalmentalists became more prominent, it was easy for the world to make the charges against real biblical Christians stick.
In the 1950' many church-goers wanted to be Christian without being marked out for ridicule. As a result, beginning with men like Billy Graham and Carl Henry, a new movement started. It took its name from the Greek word for "gospel," the Evangelicals. Most Evangelicals wanted to be orthodox. All wanted to distance themselves from the Fundalmentalists. It was America. We all wanted to be happy. Why face scorn?
Did you notice two things about this story that might sound familiar to those in the modern American church? First, the trouble started when the liberals set out to improve on the gospel to make it relevant and acceptable to the worldly mind. Second, otherwise orthodox Christians were not willing to accept the scorn of the world. They wanted to change their name so that no one would hate them. In so doing, they added to the scorn of many real brothers and sisters in Christ. Even today, many godly people call themselves "Fundamentalists." I cringe everytime I hear an Evangelical talk down the Fundalmentalists. At one time the Fundalmentalists were the only ones holding the fort. If you're an American believer, there's a real good chance you wouldn't have heard the gospel if not for the Fundamentalists many of you hate.
In this way, the seed of compromise in the Evangelical church was planted. The Fundamentalists were zealous for God and His Scripture. The Evangelicals were more interested in getting along.
To this day, in the Evangelical church, the man who points out error is hated by many, if not most. That's who we are.
NUMBER 11. FEAR OF GOD. Some years back someone started lying about the fear of God as presented to the saints in the Old Testament. When I was young, the first two church songs I learned were "Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World" and "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know." When I heard that I was supposed "fear God," it was a shock. Obviously, the contrast between the love of God and His fierceness can cause a great deal of consternation. It's tempting to pick between the two, discard the other, and not deal with the cognitive dissonance these biblical twins cause. You can only imagine how long it took a little kid in Montana to warm up to the idea of the fierceness of an angry God who hates sinners. I knew I was one. So I had a problem with the fear of God.
It turns out, so have a number of pastors and theologians. They are liars. There is no faith without the fear of God. The lie goes like this: "Fear" doesn't mean "fear," it means "respect" or "reverence." It's funny to me how little a vocabulary God has that He should mispeak so easily and so often. The fear of God is mentioned dozens of times in the Psalms and Proverbs alone. If God meant "reverence," why didn't He say so? The Spirit says, "The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether." This lie started in the 70's with the bromide, "Don't be negative." "No one will follow you if you're negative," we'd say to each other. We were helping God. We were getting rid of all the hellfire stuff and concentrating on personal fulfillment. You know--the fun stuff.
I distinctly remember first being gripped with the fright of hell when I was very young. Jesus mentioned hell in 42 verses in the gospel of Matthew alone--many more times than any mention of heaven. Evidently, He had the idea that being scared of God's judgment is a good thing.
Because we do not fear God, we hate reproof, we tolerate false teaching, we despise those who seek truth over relationship, and we spurn doctrinal clarity of any kind. Because we don't fear God, many of us will go to hell.
When Jesus starting preaching, His message could easily be summed up the way Matthew did in chapter 4, verse 17 of his gospel: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Not exactly seeker-friendly. It was a warning. If all of Jesus' ministry could be summed up in a warning to repent to avoid punishment and to participate in God's kingdom, we should follow His example. Instead, we follow after preachers who give us five steps to a happier whatever through the Spirit, Jesus, or God. Such sermons are really blasphemous because they remake God into a waiter, not The Warrior. One of the most common names of God in the Old Covenant is "Yahweh of Armies." In the King James and many other translations, it is "LORD of Hosts," "Hosts" being armies, and LORD being a euphemism for His Name, Yahweh, or "HE is." This is the personal name He gave Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3. There He said, "Ehweh asher Ehweh." That is "I am that which I am." Change the verb form to "Yahweh" and you get "He is." That was God's personal name. "God" is a title or description. I am a man. "Philip Daniel Perkins" is my personal name. I am "Phil a welder." God is "Yahweh owner-leader of armies." He is a warrior and He will one day war against all the unrighteous.
As you read through Matthew, Jesus mentions hell about 40 times. He does so in a number of different ways, but you will find the following items mentioned over and over again: "everlasting," "weeping and/or wailing," and "gnashing of teeth." When was the last time you heard a sermon on these things? Jesus talked about them all the time. We ought to as well.
NUMBER 12. THE WRATH OF GOD PREACHED. MAN VS. GOD. At the risk of repeating myself, my last point has to do with something that is associated with the absence of teaching about the wrath of God. That is the primacy of man in evangelical preaching.
Here we have a chicken-and-egg question. Did humanism/cowardice seeping into our churches cause us to no longer emphasize the wrath to come, or did that compromise lead to a man-centered pulpit, prostituted for the popularity of the preacher and the comfort of the church-goers?
Based on my personal recollection of the times--approximately 1960-1985--I personally believe the driving force was the cowardice of individual pastors, parents, and Evangelical organizations. It was at that time the sexual revolution was happening. The youth were in full rebellion. As the culture became darker and darker, Christians, Christianity, and those who remained faithful were marginalized more and more. Parents became intimidated by almost everyone else in society. So did pastors. Whole institutions from schools, to churches either had to change or be seen as dinosaurs. And rather than being passed by in favor of those more hip, many in the church compromised.
I went to college from 1975-1979. From 1981-1987 I stuffed a 3-year seminary degree into only 6 years. The transition from God-centered to man-centered pulpits began when I was still in junior high and high school. By the time I was in seminary the new make-everybody-happy "gospel" was in the house. All it had to do was to make itself at home. Get in the furniture, settle in, change the drapes, make a stay of it. The buzz word of the time was "relevance." It was the job of the clergy to make the Bible "relevant" to folks. No matter what.
This may seem rather milk-toast to some, but I assure you the change was cosmic. Before this time, the job of the man of God was to study the Scripture and tell the folks what it said as accurately as possible. Other than that, his only duty was to plead with people to make their lives and beliefs come into conformity to the Scripture.
With Pastor Human in the pulpit, things were different. As a preacher-in-training my greatest role model was Chuck Swindoll. His word for "relevant" was "winsome." He constantly harangued against the Christian who was too somber for his tastes. He was wrong and he lead many Christians astray. Another name that was big in those days was Tony Campolo. Campolo is still a dymanic speaker. His entire schtick was relevance, left wing social issues, bombast, and oozing out at least three quarts of sweat during any one sermon or lecture. We weren't relevant. We needed to take up left wing causes and if we didn't we'd never reach the folks. A third name in those days was James Dobson. Dobson has always stood for biblical truth in matters having to do with family. However, the fact that he was a psychologist added weight and credibility. Many faithful teachers and pastors said all the same things he said, but without training in psychology. All they had was the Bible. As we began to honor man over God, we even turned to man's wisdom for spiritual answers. Dobson was a perfect answer. He was a "Christian psychologist." So we could look to a source other than Scripture and still feel as though we had not compromised. But we had. Big time.
Well, we layered all that stuff on top of the Bible. Did it help? No. We are stuck in an anemic church full of believing infidels heading for hell. Swindoll is getting cozy with Emergents like Dallas Willard. Tony Campolo has written a book with Emergent heretic, Brian McLaren, and his wife endorses a gay-friendy church. And you can go to the local "Christian" book store and buy them all.
So what's the answer? It's not complicated. It's on your shelf. Read your Bible. Promise yourself and God you will obey it. Then become vocal in your church and denomination. Pay the price.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
As stated in my first installment in this series of three articles on the decline of the Evangelical church in America, I named 12 foundational distinctives that make Christianity what it is supposed to be. Here I will deal with the last 4. (Find all three together in reverse order here.) These last 4 are not about the world around us at all. Nor are they primarily about how we interact with the world. Rather, we will consider the radical paganization of the Evangelical church within its walls. We have bastardized Christianity with an eclecticism that is shameful.
NUMBER 9. SCRIPTURAL PRACTICE. By this I refer to the idea that no pagan religious practice be brought into the church and approved. Here again, I will appeal to our collective memory. While most will not remember some of the changes I have written of to this point, this new change is recent and electrically fast, and it shows the acceleration of wickedness in our circles.
"Christian Yoga" was the first paganization I remember. It has percolated for quite some time, but now it is fully integrated with the "Christian faith" of some church goers. Zondervan has published a book called Yoga for Christians: A Christ-Centered Approach to Physical and Spiritual Health through Yoga by Susan Bordenkercher. In 2003, the Osgood Files had this to say about Bordenkircher:
"However, Bordenkircher says the movement and rhythm of hatha (physical) yoga made her more centered and reflective and more able to pray. Hindus strive for wisdom, knowledge and inner concentration, which clearly overlap with Christian goals, Bordenkircher says. 'My feeling was it's worked for them, why shouldn't we be able to do that?' she says. So Bordenkircher combined poses with Christian references. During the warrior pose, she talks about breathing in the Holy Spirit. She relates the child's pose to being at peace with God. And the balance poses are about finding spiritual balance. 'If it feels good for your body and soul, you should do it.'"
Notice how that last sentence takes us back to the sixties and seventies theme which said, "If it feels good, do it."
I want to be very clear here. There is nothing magically evil or magically good about the physical exercises done for the benefit that exercise has for the body. But look at Bordenkircher's words about it. She is pushing it as a spiritual exercise. She says it gives one "spiritual balance."
Recently we've seen an influx of "spiritual formation," "contemplative prayer," "prayer" labyrinths, candles, and incense. All of these are derived from mystical religions and most Evangelical leaders are not opposing them at all. At counterpoint to this is what Moses said to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 12:29-32. He warned, "When the LORD your God cuts off before you the nations which you are going in to dispossess, and you dispossess them and dwell in their land, beware that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, 'How do these nations serve their gods, that I also may do likewise?' You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God, for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it." I think that would include yoga, don't you?
Yesterday, I was in a Christian book store and found prominently displayed a flyer for Rob Bell. He's a young man who has made quite a name for himself by selling videos of breathing exercises and meditation to young church goers. These are practices borrowed from Hinduism and Budhism. Not only is he not censored in the church, he's a celebrity.
Again, the very fact that the debate rages on in the Evangelical camp over whether or not to accept pagan practices into the church and use them is a disgrace and 50 years ago, it would have never taken place.
NUMBER 10. GODLY ZEAL AND DOCTRINAL VIGILANCE. The lack of godly zeal has actually been a danger to the Evangelical movement from the start. The reason is a bit subtle, but worth looking at.
The beginning of the Evangelical church in America was a reaction to the collision of three forces. One force was godly men and women who wanted to obey God. Many of them called themselves Fundamentalists, just as many of us call ourselves Evangelicals. The Fundalmentalist movement began as a wall against the incoming liberalization of Christianity from German scholars of the 1800's and early 1900's. Schliermacher, Bultmann, and others wanted to change Christianity to become more acceptable to modern man. The Enlightenment was still a fresh idea. The impact of the Enlightenment on the European mind was to reject the God of Scripture as unnecessary. Hence, Neitzche said, "God is dead." We didn't have to postulate a God to understand the universe. We had science for that. All causes were natural and material. Miracles were not conceivable. So the virgin birth, resurrection, healings, and walking on water were myths. Now it was too great a change for Europeans to simply jettison the religion that had shaped their nations, so they simply set out to subtly change Christianity. Genesis is true, but only as a myth. Myth was redefined to be any story with a moral to it. So the Bible was a crock, but a very nice crock. With a moral, of course.
As this sort of thought floated across the pond, men like Harry Emerson Fosdick decided that preaching a new and improved Christianity was a good thing. He was a Baptist minister in New York and he took the east coast church by storm.
To stem this tide of sewage, east coast Christians, lead by orthodox Christain scholars on the faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, began to meet in conferences. The conferences began meeting before Fosdick came on the scene, but he served to intensify the efforts of orthodox people to make lines of demarcation between liberals like Fosdick and themselves. The conferences began in the late 1800's and continued until about 1920 in upstate New York, with at least one at Niagara. The fruit of these conferences was what they called the "fundalmentals of the faith." That is, those doctrines one must believe in order to be a Christian. The exact doctrines decided upon varied from conference to conference, but usually included these five: 1. the virgin birth, 2. the bodily, substitutionary death of Christ for sin, 3. the bodily, immanent return of Christ, 4. the inerrancy and authority of Scripture, and 5. the deity of Christ. These were the five decided on in 1910 by the assembly of the Northern Presbyterian Church.
So one force was the original Fundamentalists. Their enemy, the liberals, was another force. The third force was a number of folks within the Fundamentalist camp. Remember the early Fundamentalists were Presbyterians with only five or six rules. They were really minimalistic in their approach. They were not more narrow than Scripture. However, as time went by, some in the Fundamentalist camp came to add cultural markers and rules that were not biblical. They became the third force. As the orthodox Fundamentalists battled liberals, some Fundamentalists became hyper-Fundamental. As the Fundamentalist-liberal war raged, of course, most of the unsaved world sided with the liberals. Fundamentalists were branded as obscurantists, ignorant throw-backs, and worse. As the hyper-Fundalmentalists became more prominent, it was easy for the world to make the charges against real biblical Christians stick.
In the 1950' many church-goers wanted to be Christian without being marked out for ridicule. As a result, beginning with men like Billy Graham and Carl Henry, a new movement started. It took its name from the Greek word for "gospel," the Evangelicals. Most Evangelicals wanted to be orthodox. All wanted to distance themselves from the Fundalmentalists. It was America. We all wanted to be happy. Why face scorn?
Did you notice two things about this story that might sound familiar to those in the modern American church? First, the trouble started when the liberals set out to improve on the gospel to make it relevant and acceptable to the worldly mind. Second, otherwise orthodox Christians were not willing to accept the scorn of the world. They wanted to change their name so that no one would hate them. In so doing, they added to the scorn of many real brothers and sisters in Christ. Even today, many godly people call themselves "Fundamentalists." I cringe everytime I hear an Evangelical talk down the Fundalmentalists. At one time the Fundalmentalists were the only ones holding the fort. If you're an American believer, there's a real good chance you wouldn't have heard the gospel if not for the Fundamentalists many of you hate.
In this way, the seed of compromise in the Evangelical church was planted. The Fundamentalists were zealous for God and His Scripture. The Evangelicals were more interested in getting along.
To this day, in the Evangelical church, the man who points out error is hated by many, if not most. That's who we are.
NUMBER 11. FEAR OF GOD. Some years back someone started lying about the fear of God as presented to the saints in the Old Testament. When I was young, the first two church songs I learned were "Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World" and "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know." When I heard that I was supposed "fear God," it was a shock. Obviously, the contrast between the love of God and His fierceness can cause a great deal of consternation. It's tempting to pick between the two, discard the other, and not deal with the cognitive dissonance these biblical twins cause. You can only imagine how long it took a little kid in Montana to warm up to the idea of the fierceness of an angry God who hates sinners. I knew I was one. So I had a problem with the fear of God.
It turns out, so have a number of pastors and theologians. They are liars. There is no faith without the fear of God. The lie goes like this: "Fear" doesn't mean "fear," it means "respect" or "reverence." It's funny to me how little a vocabulary God has that He should mispeak so easily and so often. The fear of God is mentioned dozens of times in the Psalms and Proverbs alone. If God meant "reverence," why didn't He say so? The Spirit says, "The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether." This lie started in the 70's with the bromide, "Don't be negative." "No one will follow you if you're negative," we'd say to each other. We were helping God. We were getting rid of all the hellfire stuff and concentrating on personal fulfillment. You know--the fun stuff.
I distinctly remember first being gripped with the fright of hell when I was very young. Jesus mentioned hell in 42 verses in the gospel of Matthew alone--many more times than any mention of heaven. Evidently, He had the idea that being scared of God's judgment is a good thing.
Because we do not fear God, we hate reproof, we tolerate false teaching, we despise those who seek truth over relationship, and we spurn doctrinal clarity of any kind. Because we don't fear God, many of us will go to hell.
When Jesus starting preaching, His message could easily be summed up the way Matthew did in chapter 4, verse 17 of his gospel: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Not exactly seeker-friendly. It was a warning. If all of Jesus' ministry could be summed up in a warning to repent to avoid punishment and to participate in God's kingdom, we should follow His example. Instead, we follow after preachers who give us five steps to a happier whatever through the Spirit, Jesus, or God. Such sermons are really blasphemous because they remake God into a waiter, not The Warrior. One of the most common names of God in the Old Covenant is "Yahweh of Armies." In the King James and many other translations, it is "LORD of Hosts," "Hosts" being armies, and LORD being a euphemism for His Name, Yahweh, or "HE is." This is the personal name He gave Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3. There He said, "Ehweh asher Ehweh." That is "I am that which I am." Change the verb form to "Yahweh" and you get "He is." That was God's personal name. "God" is a title or description. I am a man. "Philip Daniel Perkins" is my personal name. I am "Phil a welder." God is "Yahweh owner-leader of armies." He is a warrior and He will one day war against all the unrighteous.
As you read through Matthew, Jesus mentions hell about 40 times. He does so in a number of different ways, but you will find the following items mentioned over and over again: "everlasting," "weeping and/or wailing," and "gnashing of teeth." When was the last time you heard a sermon on these things? Jesus talked about them all the time. We ought to as well.
NUMBER 12. THE WRATH OF GOD PREACHED. MAN VS. GOD. At the risk of repeating myself, my last point has to do with something that is associated with the absence of teaching about the wrath of God. That is the primacy of man in evangelical preaching.
Here we have a chicken-and-egg question. Did humanism/cowardice seeping into our churches cause us to no longer emphasize the wrath to come, or did that compromise lead to a man-centered pulpit, prostituted for the popularity of the preacher and the comfort of the church-goers?
Based on my personal recollection of the times--approximately 1960-1985--I personally believe the driving force was the cowardice of individual pastors, parents, and Evangelical organizations. It was at that time the sexual revolution was happening. The youth were in full rebellion. As the culture became darker and darker, Christians, Christianity, and those who remained faithful were marginalized more and more. Parents became intimidated by almost everyone else in society. So did pastors. Whole institutions from schools, to churches either had to change or be seen as dinosaurs. And rather than being passed by in favor of those more hip, many in the church compromised.
I went to college from 1975-1979. From 1981-1987 I stuffed a 3-year seminary degree into only 6 years. The transition from God-centered to man-centered pulpits began when I was still in junior high and high school. By the time I was in seminary the new make-everybody-happy "gospel" was in the house. All it had to do was to make itself at home. Get in the furniture, settle in, change the drapes, make a stay of it. The buzz word of the time was "relevance." It was the job of the clergy to make the Bible "relevant" to folks. No matter what.
This may seem rather milk-toast to some, but I assure you the change was cosmic. Before this time, the job of the man of God was to study the Scripture and tell the folks what it said as accurately as possible. Other than that, his only duty was to plead with people to make their lives and beliefs come into conformity to the Scripture.
With Pastor Human in the pulpit, things were different. As a preacher-in-training my greatest role model was Chuck Swindoll. His word for "relevant" was "winsome." He constantly harangued against the Christian who was too somber for his tastes. He was wrong and he lead many Christians astray. Another name that was big in those days was Tony Campolo. Campolo is still a dymanic speaker. His entire schtick was relevance, left wing social issues, bombast, and oozing out at least three quarts of sweat during any one sermon or lecture. We weren't relevant. We needed to take up left wing causes and if we didn't we'd never reach the folks. A third name in those days was James Dobson. Dobson has always stood for biblical truth in matters having to do with family. However, the fact that he was a psychologist added weight and credibility. Many faithful teachers and pastors said all the same things he said, but without training in psychology. All they had was the Bible. As we began to honor man over God, we even turned to man's wisdom for spiritual answers. Dobson was a perfect answer. He was a "Christian psychologist." So we could look to a source other than Scripture and still feel as though we had not compromised. But we had. Big time.
Well, we layered all that stuff on top of the Bible. Did it help? No. We are stuck in an anemic church full of believing infidels heading for hell. Swindoll is getting cozy with Emergents like Dallas Willard. Tony Campolo has written a book with Emergent heretic, Brian McLaren, and his wife endorses a gay-friendy church. And you can go to the local "Christian" book store and buy them all.
So what's the answer? It's not complicated. It's on your shelf. Read your Bible. Promise yourself and God you will obey it. Then become vocal in your church and denomination. Pay the price.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
Pulpit Pimp Video
There's a video worth watching at Pulpit Pimps. Notice the title Melvin Jones gave it--very appropriate.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Nigerian Flags In Our Churches?
Did you ever ask your pastor why an American flag is right next to the pulpit? I did. Couldn't get an answer, either. I asked him if we weren't supposed to be worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Eventually I got some mumbo-jumbo about being a good citizen. When I asked if being a good citizen as a German Christian meant I had to put a Swastika up over the altar, the pastor got mad. He never told me why.
Nigeria has recently outlawed homosexuality. They seem to think law should have something to do with righteousness. I guess they never heard of Thomas Jefferson, who (according to liberal politicians and their constituents) said that righteousness and government could never have anything to do with each other. Nope, those Nigerians might be in the sun, but we Americans are the enlightened ones. We know better. In fact, we did the right thing. We got 250 of our best religionists to sign a petition telling the Nigerians that Christianity demands sodomites go unpunished. Stop the "persecution." (Yes, that's the word they used.) I noticed there was no petition for the Christians being slaughtered by Muslims in Sudan and Indonesia, or the Christians imprisoned in Canada, the US, and Britain for preaching repentance from sodomy. I'm sure those 250 nice folks, so concerned with Nigerian deviants, will soon get around to protecting Christians, too. Yes, I'm sure they will...any time now...soon, I'm sure...I think...
So anyway, the next time I'm in church and the preacher is in Leviticus, I'll just ignore him (or her) and look at that big old flag raised high above the altar and the Bible and wonder how long before God burns it down.
Phil Perkins.
Nigeria has recently outlawed homosexuality. They seem to think law should have something to do with righteousness. I guess they never heard of Thomas Jefferson, who (according to liberal politicians and their constituents) said that righteousness and government could never have anything to do with each other. Nope, those Nigerians might be in the sun, but we Americans are the enlightened ones. We know better. In fact, we did the right thing. We got 250 of our best religionists to sign a petition telling the Nigerians that Christianity demands sodomites go unpunished. Stop the "persecution." (Yes, that's the word they used.) I noticed there was no petition for the Christians being slaughtered by Muslims in Sudan and Indonesia, or the Christians imprisoned in Canada, the US, and Britain for preaching repentance from sodomy. I'm sure those 250 nice folks, so concerned with Nigerian deviants, will soon get around to protecting Christians, too. Yes, I'm sure they will...any time now...soon, I'm sure...I think...
So anyway, the next time I'm in church and the preacher is in Leviticus, I'll just ignore him (or her) and look at that big old flag raised high above the altar and the Bible and wonder how long before God burns it down.
Phil Perkins.
Pulpit Pimps
This weekend I found a few new blogs and all were really worth reading. I have gotten permission to link to only one so far: Pulpit Pimps by Melvin Jones. Evidently, when some ungodly fence-straddler decided all Christian men were to become so polite they had to be nice to false teachers, Jones burned his copy of the memo.
Melvin Jones seems determined to expose the lies of the Word-Faith movement. Word- Faith is the brand of non-christianity that includes folks like Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyers, Kenneth Copeland, and so forth. Some call it Word-Faith, Word of Faith, Prosperity Gospel, Health and Wealth, Name It and Claim It. (I like Blab-it-and-grab-it myself.) These folks have gone well past simply being Charismatic and pushing certain gifts all out of proportion. They have actually gone into damnable heresy--the sort of heresy that will damn a man's soul. For instance, Copeland has said outright that God has a body, making him more Mormon than Christian.
So, Jones is making war on these folks. He's in a segment of the body of Christ in which he will pay a heavy price for his convictions. But he doesn't care. Pray for our brother, Melvin Jones. He is doing a great work and it seems he has a lot of readers. That's good.
While surfing this weekend I came across three other sites like Jones'. They are all good. There is Theology Today,, and Pastor John's Site, in addition to Pulpit Pimps.
Pastor John's Site is by Rev. John Coleman. His site is not dedicated to battling Word-Faith heresy. It is a general site from an LA pastor and it includes warnings about Word-Faith along with general teachings. He has an excellent section on the nutty, heretical quotes Billy Graham has made over the years.
Getting back to Melvin Jones and Pulpit Pimps, I don't want to overdo my praise of the guy. I barely know of him. However, what's refreshing about all these sites is their straight talk. (Read Jones' "About Me" section and see the price and hassle he has already overcome to become straight in the faith.) They talk like men. Godly men. Go read their stuff. Then go read Team Pyro or Tim Challies. The difference you will find is both staggering and significant. At Pyro, if you find an article on an Emergent heretic for instance, you will first read a number of paragraphs about what that particular heretic says that is right. Couldn't you do the same with a Watchtower magazine? Or the Book Of Mormon?
A better question is, "Is that what Jesus, the apostles, and the prophets did?" The obvious answer is "no." Jesus made it clear to all who heard Him that the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees were wrong. No one had to guess or parse words to understand. So why don't we talk like men? Are we cowardly? Too afraid to be disliked, so that we have to put sugar on the medicine so nobody notices, not even the ones who need it most? Is this a hangover from the pop-evangelical bromide of the 70's when we were told over and over it's bad to be negative? We were supposed to be always positive. Back then I would ask if the Bible was always positive and the answer given was "no." But then biblical reasoning didn't really make much difference.
Some of you will remember when I had the nerve to suggest at Team Pyro that we ought not use gender-altered Bible versions because they were intentionally changed for reasons that had to do with pleasing certain political groups. Phil Johnson and Frank Turk then proceded to make excuses as to why it's okay to do so and chastise me for being a hillbilly in a straw hat who didn't even know the languages anyhow, so why don't I just go away and shut up. My, my. How dare I, calling sin sin. When I told them I have taught both Greek and Hebrew at the college level I didn't get an apology--big surprise, huh?.
On most sites you will find Evangelical males (notice I did't say "men") who, when they have to deal with false teaching, do so in such a gentle way one has to read for 20 minutes before one can find out whose side they're on. Why? Because it's considered impolite to say things like "liar." Why have we become so uncomfortable with such a word? Jesus said much worse than that all the time to false teachers. We're women, not men. Shame on us.
I pray that brothers like Melvin Jones and John Coleman never become like the rest of Evangelicalism. That would be a sad day.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins. PS--If you're doctrinally straight, but won't stand, what difference does it make? Fear Him Who has power to destroy both body and soul in the flames of hell.
Melvin Jones seems determined to expose the lies of the Word-Faith movement. Word- Faith is the brand of non-christianity that includes folks like Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyers, Kenneth Copeland, and so forth. Some call it Word-Faith, Word of Faith, Prosperity Gospel, Health and Wealth, Name It and Claim It. (I like Blab-it-and-grab-it myself.) These folks have gone well past simply being Charismatic and pushing certain gifts all out of proportion. They have actually gone into damnable heresy--the sort of heresy that will damn a man's soul. For instance, Copeland has said outright that God has a body, making him more Mormon than Christian.
So, Jones is making war on these folks. He's in a segment of the body of Christ in which he will pay a heavy price for his convictions. But he doesn't care. Pray for our brother, Melvin Jones. He is doing a great work and it seems he has a lot of readers. That's good.
While surfing this weekend I came across three other sites like Jones'. They are all good. There is Theology Today,, and Pastor John's Site, in addition to Pulpit Pimps.
Pastor John's Site is by Rev. John Coleman. His site is not dedicated to battling Word-Faith heresy. It is a general site from an LA pastor and it includes warnings about Word-Faith along with general teachings. He has an excellent section on the nutty, heretical quotes Billy Graham has made over the years.
Getting back to Melvin Jones and Pulpit Pimps, I don't want to overdo my praise of the guy. I barely know of him. However, what's refreshing about all these sites is their straight talk. (Read Jones' "About Me" section and see the price and hassle he has already overcome to become straight in the faith.) They talk like men. Godly men. Go read their stuff. Then go read Team Pyro or Tim Challies. The difference you will find is both staggering and significant. At Pyro, if you find an article on an Emergent heretic for instance, you will first read a number of paragraphs about what that particular heretic says that is right. Couldn't you do the same with a Watchtower magazine? Or the Book Of Mormon?
A better question is, "Is that what Jesus, the apostles, and the prophets did?" The obvious answer is "no." Jesus made it clear to all who heard Him that the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees were wrong. No one had to guess or parse words to understand. So why don't we talk like men? Are we cowardly? Too afraid to be disliked, so that we have to put sugar on the medicine so nobody notices, not even the ones who need it most? Is this a hangover from the pop-evangelical bromide of the 70's when we were told over and over it's bad to be negative? We were supposed to be always positive. Back then I would ask if the Bible was always positive and the answer given was "no." But then biblical reasoning didn't really make much difference.
Some of you will remember when I had the nerve to suggest at Team Pyro that we ought not use gender-altered Bible versions because they were intentionally changed for reasons that had to do with pleasing certain political groups. Phil Johnson and Frank Turk then proceded to make excuses as to why it's okay to do so and chastise me for being a hillbilly in a straw hat who didn't even know the languages anyhow, so why don't I just go away and shut up. My, my. How dare I, calling sin sin. When I told them I have taught both Greek and Hebrew at the college level I didn't get an apology--big surprise, huh?.
On most sites you will find Evangelical males (notice I did't say "men") who, when they have to deal with false teaching, do so in such a gentle way one has to read for 20 minutes before one can find out whose side they're on. Why? Because it's considered impolite to say things like "liar." Why have we become so uncomfortable with such a word? Jesus said much worse than that all the time to false teachers. We're women, not men. Shame on us.
I pray that brothers like Melvin Jones and John Coleman never become like the rest of Evangelicalism. That would be a sad day.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins. PS--If you're doctrinally straight, but won't stand, what difference does it make? Fear Him Who has power to destroy both body and soul in the flames of hell.
Quote Of The Week 03-26-07
The spotless purity of truth must always be at war with the blackness of heresy and lies.--Charles Haddon Spurgeon, from The Truth War by John MacArthur.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Joyce Meyer Claims Infallibility!
Yes, that's right. Joyce (the voice of a liar) Meyer is claiming to never be wrong. I found this quote from her on a great website called Theology Today.
Here's what she had to say:
“I am going to tell you something right now. I no more believe that my God is going to let me stand around and believe a lie than I believe that I am going to turn green in the next two minutes. God is my source and He loves me and I am after God with my whole heart. And if I am accidentally, or any other way, getting into error, I am going to have a bell go off on the inside of me that is going to be so loud that not only am I going to hear it, but so is everybody else.”
Yes, you read right. If she was wrong, you'd hear bells. So, unless we all hear bells everything she says is right. God wouldn't have it any other way.
May God strike her "ministry" down.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
Here's what she had to say:
“I am going to tell you something right now. I no more believe that my God is going to let me stand around and believe a lie than I believe that I am going to turn green in the next two minutes. God is my source and He loves me and I am after God with my whole heart. And if I am accidentally, or any other way, getting into error, I am going to have a bell go off on the inside of me that is going to be so loud that not only am I going to hear it, but so is everybody else.”
Yes, you read right. If she was wrong, you'd hear bells. So, unless we all hear bells everything she says is right. God wouldn't have it any other way.
May God strike her "ministry" down.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Why I Don't Believe In The Power Of Prayer
Who introduced the phrase "the power of prayer" to the church? I have a real problem with that and have for some years. Just the other evening I began writing an article on Erwin McManus and the subject was brought up in his book, The Barbarian Way. So I got to thinking about it in more depth than before and came to a conclusion or two.
First, the idea of "the power of prayer" is a pagan idea, closer to sorcery and witchcraft than biblical prayer. What I mean is that in witchcraft the power is thought to be in the spell or the act of speaking to the unseen power. To the Christian--Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Copeland notwithstanding--there is no real power in prayer. Read the prayers of Moses, David, and Jesus. They were not formulaic and the speaker acted as though he was addressing a Deity Who held the power to protect them and provide for them. They did not exercise their own power by speaking to God. They were asking, not telling. They went to this God, not prayer, for answers. They reacted to the circumstances of life by going to the One they trusted. To the One they needed.
Second, the idea that the power is in prayer itself is arrogant. It places God at the bottom of a three-level pyramid. On top, making decisions and giving orders, is the human praying. The human has his hands on the levers of the great machine called prayer and if he moves the handles just right, the god will be induced or influenced to do this, that, and the next thing. The middle level is the prayer. It is, in effect, insturmentalized, personalized, or even deified. It is not just the act of getting an audience with God any more. It has powers of its own. We can use it to achieve certain ends. On the bottom is the god of prayer. It must act in certain ways or is induced or influenced to do so because of the prayer made by the human who decides to enlist the power of prayer. This is topsy-turvy. The Bible says God acts sovereignly. He brings circumstances into our lives to shape us, Romans 8:28-29. We then react according to His sovereign plan and He further enacts His will by responding to His loved one who prays to Him humbly. Read the account of Abraham's prayer in Genesis 20 to see this principle in action.
To attribute the power we experience in answered prayer to the prayer itself, and not God, is a blasphemy and might explain why God will not answer our prayers. Why should He work for another's glory? He wants the glory and it's rightfully His. It isn't ours and it doesn't belong to our words.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
First, the idea of "the power of prayer" is a pagan idea, closer to sorcery and witchcraft than biblical prayer. What I mean is that in witchcraft the power is thought to be in the spell or the act of speaking to the unseen power. To the Christian--Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Copeland notwithstanding--there is no real power in prayer. Read the prayers of Moses, David, and Jesus. They were not formulaic and the speaker acted as though he was addressing a Deity Who held the power to protect them and provide for them. They did not exercise their own power by speaking to God. They were asking, not telling. They went to this God, not prayer, for answers. They reacted to the circumstances of life by going to the One they trusted. To the One they needed.
Second, the idea that the power is in prayer itself is arrogant. It places God at the bottom of a three-level pyramid. On top, making decisions and giving orders, is the human praying. The human has his hands on the levers of the great machine called prayer and if he moves the handles just right, the god will be induced or influenced to do this, that, and the next thing. The middle level is the prayer. It is, in effect, insturmentalized, personalized, or even deified. It is not just the act of getting an audience with God any more. It has powers of its own. We can use it to achieve certain ends. On the bottom is the god of prayer. It must act in certain ways or is induced or influenced to do so because of the prayer made by the human who decides to enlist the power of prayer. This is topsy-turvy. The Bible says God acts sovereignly. He brings circumstances into our lives to shape us, Romans 8:28-29. We then react according to His sovereign plan and He further enacts His will by responding to His loved one who prays to Him humbly. Read the account of Abraham's prayer in Genesis 20 to see this principle in action.
To attribute the power we experience in answered prayer to the prayer itself, and not God, is a blasphemy and might explain why God will not answer our prayers. Why should He work for another's glory? He wants the glory and it's rightfully His. It isn't ours and it doesn't belong to our words.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Quote Of The Week 03-08-07
Every way of not doing evangelism is wrong.
--Carl F. H. Henry.
This quote is from an interview with Russell D. Moore. The next sentence completes the thought: "Every way of not doing evangelism is wrong. Every Christian--young and old--is called to evangelize."
Quote this when someone complains about how you are witnessing with a technique they don't like.
--Carl F. H. Henry.
This quote is from an interview with Russell D. Moore. The next sentence completes the thought: "Every way of not doing evangelism is wrong. Every Christian--young and old--is called to evangelize."
Quote this when someone complains about how you are witnessing with a technique they don't like.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The Church In The World And Conformed To The World.
In my first installment in this series, I listed 12 foundational distinctives that make Christianity what it's supposed to be. In the 20th and 21st centuries, all of these things have been eroded in the American Evangelical movement. That process has been on an acceleration in the last fifty years or so. When I was young you could see small accommodations slowly infecting the church over the decades. Now there is a new compromise each year. If you doubt me just take a casual trip around all the Christian blogs. The Bible was once the only guide to truth. Just a few minutes ago, I was in a comment thread at a good Christian website. The bloggers there are good brothers. There a man in the comment thread (not one of the site's bloggers) that sees himself as a Christian (and he may be) was arguing that doctrine is not static, but new revelation can come. When I was young, even the Charismatics did not say such things. That kind of talk came only from Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Today, it is thought by many in the pews and pulpits in Evangelical circles.
These next four compromises are bound by a common thread. The world's ideas are now coming directly into the church. In fact, these new ideas seem to spread just about as quickly in the church as in the world. It's as though we want to be avant garde.
NUMBER 5. GENDER ROLES. Usually when an orthodox Christian addresses gender roles, you expect a diatribe against feminism and homosexuality. However, I'm going to start in the sixth grade boys locker room. That was the first place I was shocked by the degradation of our culture in regard to gender roles. I didn't even know what a gender role was back then, but I knew something was desperately wrong.
Here is the situation that just devastated me: Being brought up in a very staunch Christian home, one thing was drilled into me both by the preaching of my Dad and by his example. That was the heroic role of the man. Yes, I said "heroic." It was the job of the man to sacrifice whatever was necessary for the sake of his God, his family, and his country if his country was in the right. The mark of a man was responsibility. And the degree to which any particular man carried out his responsibilities was the measure of that man's manhood. Even for non-Christians the number one arena for the man to take responsibility was toward his family. It was the job of the man to defend and provide lovingly and sacrificially for his woman and his kids.
The first time I heard an older boy actually brag about his conquest of a girl, I was shocked like you can't believe. Why wasn't he ashamed? Being in a very small country school that had all grades 1-12, I was exposed to the locker room talk of junior and senior high school boys when I was in sixth grade. Of course that sort of bravado had a very large effect on us younger guys. We all wanted to be like the big guys. I was too much of a coward to speak against it, so, like the others, I went along and laughed and showed outward approval. But inside, I was in severe turmoil.
The role of the male in our culture began to change radically in the 1960's. The Viet Nam War was raging and rock-n-roll was the new Sunday School. It shaped our minds more than God did. And our hearts. And our future. There was a new ethic never before articulated by and for the American male: "Love 'em and leave 'em." That referred to the act of messing around with a girl and then moving out of town when she became pregnant, leaving her to fend for herself and the baby. It was heartless. That was before the government got into child support enforcement and many women simply had their lives turned upside down by the promises of this new type of "man." Young men everywhere were saying this and seeing it as a mark of male achievement, turning the old ethic on its head. Previous generations had their cads, for sure, but actually saying it out loud and with such robust approval was new. For the first time an American male could find widespread approval for selfish abandon, not self sacrifice.
In the generation before mine NO ONE would approve of this publicly, though the more profligate would in private. This sort of treatment of women would mark a man out for ridicule and he would have virtually no friends. He would be an outcast in just about any community. He would not be considered a substantial man. Back then "playboy" was an insult. Both parts of the word were intended to sting. "Play" indicated that the man had not grown up. He was still trying to play. And that made him a "boy." A real man approached life with the idea that everyone in the community expected him to be responsible for his family and his community. He knew they expected him to sacrifice if things came down to that. And even if he didn't like that idea inwardly he knew that his status in the community hung on the perception that he would always be a man when it counted. So he at least pretended.
Even the term "man" meant something different then. If someone said, "He's a real man," that didn't refer to his athletics, his looks, or his muscles. And it CERTAINLY didn't refer to the number of women he'd played. It referred to his integrity, courage, and honor.
No longer.
The New Ethic Of Narcissism began to reshape our thinking about what it meant to be a man. It started with the elevation of the promiscuous male to respectability. Joe Namath was our poster boy. It would end with the degradation of all of society, even the killing of the children, the very first people the man of the past was supposed to be willing to die for. This even effects our financial lives. Today a young man will expect his wife to work so that he can afford the payments on the man-toys he can't possibly be expected to wait and save for let alone do without for the good of the family. As a result, the kids go to day care and later to juvy court and later to hell.
Now to those pesky feminists. Yes, the ladies got way out of line. They, too, bought into the New Ethic Of Narcissism. And just as men dropped their responsibility to care for women, women ran from their responsibility to care for children. But wait. Don't forget what the "men" did. If a man is to have his way with any woman he wants, the old ways would simply not do. Under the old way of thinking a man was to love, provide for, and protect a woman. If a man played with a woman, he knew he was playing with fire. If the community found out, he would be expected to marry her or clean up his act. It was called "making her an honest women." If she became pregnant, all his options came down to three. He could marry her right quick and be embarrassed about it for a good long time. He could leave the community and not return. Or he could stay in the community, not take care of the family he started and face the shame that was rightly his, possibly with severe legal ramifications.
What was the solution for the new male? Easy, make the woman go to work and be independent of the man. Then the man could play around and not expect any sort of obligations on his money or his freedom. Of course, the woman could pop up pregnant. Then what? Roe vs. Wade. The great debate of the early 1970's. Kill the kid so the man can play. As I related earlier, we all knew the debate was as much about men's wrongs as it was about women's rights. But we wanted freedom, not responsibility so we told ourselves the lie.
So there you have it. I have not really laid into the ladies and the feminism movement. The feminism movement drew its strength, not just from the rebellion of the females, but probably more from the irresponsibility of the males. The ladies had some very real reasons to be angry with the men. The men led into the feminist movement, not the women. Yes, the women are at fault, but don't forget to blame the men for making it happen. Women really didn't have much to respect in their new "men."
NUMBER 6. THE EFFICACY OF THE GOSPEL. Why is it so few are being saved in America? Why are the churches empty? Why aren't our neighbors being saved? Why is there this growing gulf between our culture and the church?
I'd like us to consider three possibilities for why so few Americans are being saved. 1. The people of America may not be receptive to the gospel. Think of Jesus' parable of the soils. 2. The gospel doesn't work in this culture. 3. The gospel is not being brought to the people.
1. If the people of America are not receptive to the gospel, then the church is excused. Certainly, America is wealthy and does not feel in need of anything. After events that bring uncertainty, such as 911, we see an upsurge in spiritual interest expressed in church attendance. But for the most part we are fat and sassy. However, in my experience if you really go out and witness the gospel, you'll find fruit.
2. If the gospel doesn't work anymore, then the church is excused to some extent. That, believe it or not, is the excuse used these days. It's never put in those words, but that is, in essence, what's being said. The words used usually are something like "we need to make the gospel relevant to the culture." Interestingly, the Bible doesn't say any such thing. The Great Commission has one command and two promises. Matthew 28:18-20 says, "And having come to them Jesus spoke saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and upon the earth. Therefore, having gone, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep all the things which I commanded you, and I myself am with you all the days until the end of the age.'"
The two promises are that He has the authority to accomplish anything in heaven or on earth and that He is with us until the end of this age. So we have the stuff to save His elect. The only real command is to "make disciples" of every people group.
In a sense there are three other commands: "go," "baptize," and "teach." However, the grammar makes these participles. Thus they are explanations on just how to do the main idea, "make disciples." First, we have to go. Well, if the target is America, we're here. Of course, we do have to go next door to see the folks we are supposed to disciple. And that implies an aggressive approach. Don't wait. Go. Next is "baptizing." This implies that we are not shy about the demands of the gospel. No, we tell them to repent and be baptized, just like in the New Testament. Last is just a reiteration and explanation of "make disciples." It is "teaching them to keep all that I commanded you." To make disciples is to make these folks be students. A disciple is a student. So to make a disciple, you teach a person.
Now I went through the specifics of the command for a purpose. Notice there is nothing in there about relevance or cultural accommodation. If you want to reach Nigerians, disciple Nigerians and send them out. Guess what. If you want to reach Americans, disciple Americans and send them out. They'll know the culture just fine.
The nitty gritty of the idea that the gospel isn't working in America is the lie that the gospel isn't good enough. We need to make it relevant. God was not hip. The truth of this issue will come next.
3. If the gospel is not being brought to the people in America, it's our fault. I'll make this very short. If you're one of the folks that think the gospel doesn't work without juicing it up a little with cultural relevance, stop now. Name or describe the last six persons you witnessed to in the last two months.
Yeah. I THOUGHT so.
The gospel is not working for the church because the church is not working for the gospel.
Acts 5:41-42 says, "So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ."
To paraphrase an advertising slogan from the 1970's, we've come a long way, Baby!
NUMBER 7. SEPARATION FROM THE WORLD. When I was young, the idea of a Christian going to movies was dubious at best. We knew celluloid and popcorn wouldn't defile us. However, the idea was to keep our values and minds biblical and to spend our time and money in a way commensurate with biblical doctrine. We knew there is almost no such thing as entertainment that is spiritually neutral. We knew this world was not our home. I remember when Dad decided that the TV was going to be shut off when he or mom was not present. When I was young, there were no dirty jokes on TV, let alone dirty words. Dad decided to limit our TV because the use of alcohol was romanticized on quite a number of shows.
Now, don't get me wrong. These outward regulations are not biblically stipulated. However, the inward result sought by that generation is. We are to be separated. That's the idea of holiness. Today we hear little of separation from evil in the church. In fact, it seems we are often dead set on making our churches as near the world as possible.
What have we lost by this forfeiture of our separation? Three things. First, we have lost the idea of the untouchably holy. At Mount Sinai, a boundary was required by Yahweh to keep even the priests from coming too close to God. And when they got too close God told Moses to go back down there and get the people to get away so He didn't have to destroy them. When you go to church do you ever feel that you are dealing with Something so high and so holy you dare not look up? We raise our hands. We never get on our bellies. We're never made to feel like that anymore. I was recently in a mega church. It had coffee machines, soda machines, and pinball machines. Entertainment trumped holiness.
Second, we have lost personal holiness. In our insistence to never restrict our Christian freedom, we forgot to deny ourselves. Okay, you have the freedom to go to the movie theater. You don't have the freedom to laugh at raunchy jokes. You have the freedom to listen to any kind of music you want. You don't have the right to think on anything that would embarrass you in front of your Father. Many church goers would NEVER be willing to miss a movie just because it has a sex scene in it. Or because it uses the Lord's Name in vain. Or because it treats women like objects for men's pleasure. Or because it teaches kids to disrespect their parents. Then when we cuss and lust and our kids are awful, why are we surprised? Turn off the TV and get out your Bible. Skip the movie and spend a night with your wife, including a prayer time. Skip the concert and go pass out tracts to folks in line at the theater.
Third, we have lost our sense of corporate holiness. The principle of fellowship requires that we care about our associations individually and as a church. In our circles it is common place to associate with ministries that are in open heresy. Christian radio and TV stations carry Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyer. Religious book stores carry Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo. Christians openly patronize these businesses. I'm in the Southern Baptist Convention. In my denomination it is common for us to have Emergent heretics and their books. If you protest, you will be punished.
I recently challenged a group of Christian bloggers for plugging a purposely altered version of the Bible, the TNIV. One said, "Do I smell guilt by association?" (I was too polite to ask him if I smelled theology by slogan.) The assumption was clear, though. You're never guilty by association. I told him he did smell guilt by association. Then I gave him some Scriptures that make the fellowship principle clear. He didn't write anymore on the subject. In our time it is considered okay for churches and Christian groups to work tightly with heretics and unbelievers. In fact, if you want to be black-balled, just raise your voice about it. Read Numbers 19. The red heifer was not to be touched. The corpse was not to be touched. The unclean thing is not to be touched. What was God trying to teach the sons of Jacob if not separation? Did not both Paul and John tell us to shun the false teacher?
NUMBER 8. UPRIGHTNESS IN THE PULPIT. Fifty years ago, no evangelical church would countenance a man in the pulpit who was divorced. Now we allow the newly divorced to stay in the pulpit during the divorce. We once expected to see a man there who was spotless in reputation. He could have been a hellion before his conversion, but scandals were not really heard of during their tenure.
I'm not going to go through the rogues' list. First, they're not necessarily rogue's, though some surely are. Some may be men of God who really messed up. Second, you already know enough to see it's been a problem.
Remember the story of Uzzah and the ark in II Samuel 6? King David was having the ark transported back to Jerusalem. Two things went wrong. First, it was set on a wagon, instead of being carried by priests holding it by the poles. That alone was a violation of God's instructions on its handling. Oh, it was a new wagon. It just wasn't what God wanted. Second, when it tipped, (which wouldn't have happened if it had been transported as God instructed) Uzzah grabbed it to steady it. God killed him. The punished sin was Uzzah's. The ark was never to be touched. But part of the blame belongs to David. The ark was to be moved by the priests on foot, carrying it by the poles. If that procedure had been followed the oxen would not have stumbled and the ark would not have needed steadying.
In this way, at least some of our fallen preachers have been helped along toward their sin by a church that was compromised. Many of the preacher sex scandals have come out of closed door counselling sessions. If we had not incorporated psychological methods and if we had insisted on the biblical practice of women discipling women and men discipling men, a number of these things would not have happened. These preachers are responsible for their sins, but we are responsible for our own compromise as a church. Our laxity has undoubtedly contributed to at least some of their falls. We've let the attitudes and practices of the world come in. Is it any wonder we act like the world?
In Christ,
Phil Perkins. PS--In the final installment we will look at four ways in which the church has lost its heart right in the sanctuary to worldliness. The Church Conformed To The World In The Sanctuary.
In my first installment in this series, I listed 12 foundational distinctives that make Christianity what it's supposed to be. In the 20th and 21st centuries, all of these things have been eroded in the American Evangelical movement. That process has been on an acceleration in the last fifty years or so. When I was young you could see small accommodations slowly infecting the church over the decades. Now there is a new compromise each year. If you doubt me just take a casual trip around all the Christian blogs. The Bible was once the only guide to truth. Just a few minutes ago, I was in a comment thread at a good Christian website. The bloggers there are good brothers. There a man in the comment thread (not one of the site's bloggers) that sees himself as a Christian (and he may be) was arguing that doctrine is not static, but new revelation can come. When I was young, even the Charismatics did not say such things. That kind of talk came only from Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Today, it is thought by many in the pews and pulpits in Evangelical circles.
These next four compromises are bound by a common thread. The world's ideas are now coming directly into the church. In fact, these new ideas seem to spread just about as quickly in the church as in the world. It's as though we want to be avant garde.
NUMBER 5. GENDER ROLES. Usually when an orthodox Christian addresses gender roles, you expect a diatribe against feminism and homosexuality. However, I'm going to start in the sixth grade boys locker room. That was the first place I was shocked by the degradation of our culture in regard to gender roles. I didn't even know what a gender role was back then, but I knew something was desperately wrong.
Here is the situation that just devastated me: Being brought up in a very staunch Christian home, one thing was drilled into me both by the preaching of my Dad and by his example. That was the heroic role of the man. Yes, I said "heroic." It was the job of the man to sacrifice whatever was necessary for the sake of his God, his family, and his country if his country was in the right. The mark of a man was responsibility. And the degree to which any particular man carried out his responsibilities was the measure of that man's manhood. Even for non-Christians the number one arena for the man to take responsibility was toward his family. It was the job of the man to defend and provide lovingly and sacrificially for his woman and his kids.
The first time I heard an older boy actually brag about his conquest of a girl, I was shocked like you can't believe. Why wasn't he ashamed? Being in a very small country school that had all grades 1-12, I was exposed to the locker room talk of junior and senior high school boys when I was in sixth grade. Of course that sort of bravado had a very large effect on us younger guys. We all wanted to be like the big guys. I was too much of a coward to speak against it, so, like the others, I went along and laughed and showed outward approval. But inside, I was in severe turmoil.
The role of the male in our culture began to change radically in the 1960's. The Viet Nam War was raging and rock-n-roll was the new Sunday School. It shaped our minds more than God did. And our hearts. And our future. There was a new ethic never before articulated by and for the American male: "Love 'em and leave 'em." That referred to the act of messing around with a girl and then moving out of town when she became pregnant, leaving her to fend for herself and the baby. It was heartless. That was before the government got into child support enforcement and many women simply had their lives turned upside down by the promises of this new type of "man." Young men everywhere were saying this and seeing it as a mark of male achievement, turning the old ethic on its head. Previous generations had their cads, for sure, but actually saying it out loud and with such robust approval was new. For the first time an American male could find widespread approval for selfish abandon, not self sacrifice.
In the generation before mine NO ONE would approve of this publicly, though the more profligate would in private. This sort of treatment of women would mark a man out for ridicule and he would have virtually no friends. He would be an outcast in just about any community. He would not be considered a substantial man. Back then "playboy" was an insult. Both parts of the word were intended to sting. "Play" indicated that the man had not grown up. He was still trying to play. And that made him a "boy." A real man approached life with the idea that everyone in the community expected him to be responsible for his family and his community. He knew they expected him to sacrifice if things came down to that. And even if he didn't like that idea inwardly he knew that his status in the community hung on the perception that he would always be a man when it counted. So he at least pretended.
Even the term "man" meant something different then. If someone said, "He's a real man," that didn't refer to his athletics, his looks, or his muscles. And it CERTAINLY didn't refer to the number of women he'd played. It referred to his integrity, courage, and honor.
No longer.
The New Ethic Of Narcissism began to reshape our thinking about what it meant to be a man. It started with the elevation of the promiscuous male to respectability. Joe Namath was our poster boy. It would end with the degradation of all of society, even the killing of the children, the very first people the man of the past was supposed to be willing to die for. This even effects our financial lives. Today a young man will expect his wife to work so that he can afford the payments on the man-toys he can't possibly be expected to wait and save for let alone do without for the good of the family. As a result, the kids go to day care and later to juvy court and later to hell.
Now to those pesky feminists. Yes, the ladies got way out of line. They, too, bought into the New Ethic Of Narcissism. And just as men dropped their responsibility to care for women, women ran from their responsibility to care for children. But wait. Don't forget what the "men" did. If a man is to have his way with any woman he wants, the old ways would simply not do. Under the old way of thinking a man was to love, provide for, and protect a woman. If a man played with a woman, he knew he was playing with fire. If the community found out, he would be expected to marry her or clean up his act. It was called "making her an honest women." If she became pregnant, all his options came down to three. He could marry her right quick and be embarrassed about it for a good long time. He could leave the community and not return. Or he could stay in the community, not take care of the family he started and face the shame that was rightly his, possibly with severe legal ramifications.
What was the solution for the new male? Easy, make the woman go to work and be independent of the man. Then the man could play around and not expect any sort of obligations on his money or his freedom. Of course, the woman could pop up pregnant. Then what? Roe vs. Wade. The great debate of the early 1970's. Kill the kid so the man can play. As I related earlier, we all knew the debate was as much about men's wrongs as it was about women's rights. But we wanted freedom, not responsibility so we told ourselves the lie.
So there you have it. I have not really laid into the ladies and the feminism movement. The feminism movement drew its strength, not just from the rebellion of the females, but probably more from the irresponsibility of the males. The ladies had some very real reasons to be angry with the men. The men led into the feminist movement, not the women. Yes, the women are at fault, but don't forget to blame the men for making it happen. Women really didn't have much to respect in their new "men."
NUMBER 6. THE EFFICACY OF THE GOSPEL. Why is it so few are being saved in America? Why are the churches empty? Why aren't our neighbors being saved? Why is there this growing gulf between our culture and the church?
I'd like us to consider three possibilities for why so few Americans are being saved. 1. The people of America may not be receptive to the gospel. Think of Jesus' parable of the soils. 2. The gospel doesn't work in this culture. 3. The gospel is not being brought to the people.
1. If the people of America are not receptive to the gospel, then the church is excused. Certainly, America is wealthy and does not feel in need of anything. After events that bring uncertainty, such as 911, we see an upsurge in spiritual interest expressed in church attendance. But for the most part we are fat and sassy. However, in my experience if you really go out and witness the gospel, you'll find fruit.
2. If the gospel doesn't work anymore, then the church is excused to some extent. That, believe it or not, is the excuse used these days. It's never put in those words, but that is, in essence, what's being said. The words used usually are something like "we need to make the gospel relevant to the culture." Interestingly, the Bible doesn't say any such thing. The Great Commission has one command and two promises. Matthew 28:18-20 says, "And having come to them Jesus spoke saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and upon the earth. Therefore, having gone, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep all the things which I commanded you, and I myself am with you all the days until the end of the age.'"
The two promises are that He has the authority to accomplish anything in heaven or on earth and that He is with us until the end of this age. So we have the stuff to save His elect. The only real command is to "make disciples" of every people group.
In a sense there are three other commands: "go," "baptize," and "teach." However, the grammar makes these participles. Thus they are explanations on just how to do the main idea, "make disciples." First, we have to go. Well, if the target is America, we're here. Of course, we do have to go next door to see the folks we are supposed to disciple. And that implies an aggressive approach. Don't wait. Go. Next is "baptizing." This implies that we are not shy about the demands of the gospel. No, we tell them to repent and be baptized, just like in the New Testament. Last is just a reiteration and explanation of "make disciples." It is "teaching them to keep all that I commanded you." To make disciples is to make these folks be students. A disciple is a student. So to make a disciple, you teach a person.
Now I went through the specifics of the command for a purpose. Notice there is nothing in there about relevance or cultural accommodation. If you want to reach Nigerians, disciple Nigerians and send them out. Guess what. If you want to reach Americans, disciple Americans and send them out. They'll know the culture just fine.
The nitty gritty of the idea that the gospel isn't working in America is the lie that the gospel isn't good enough. We need to make it relevant. God was not hip. The truth of this issue will come next.
3. If the gospel is not being brought to the people in America, it's our fault. I'll make this very short. If you're one of the folks that think the gospel doesn't work without juicing it up a little with cultural relevance, stop now. Name or describe the last six persons you witnessed to in the last two months.
Yeah. I THOUGHT so.
The gospel is not working for the church because the church is not working for the gospel.
Acts 5:41-42 says, "So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ."
To paraphrase an advertising slogan from the 1970's, we've come a long way, Baby!
NUMBER 7. SEPARATION FROM THE WORLD. When I was young, the idea of a Christian going to movies was dubious at best. We knew celluloid and popcorn wouldn't defile us. However, the idea was to keep our values and minds biblical and to spend our time and money in a way commensurate with biblical doctrine. We knew there is almost no such thing as entertainment that is spiritually neutral. We knew this world was not our home. I remember when Dad decided that the TV was going to be shut off when he or mom was not present. When I was young, there were no dirty jokes on TV, let alone dirty words. Dad decided to limit our TV because the use of alcohol was romanticized on quite a number of shows.
Now, don't get me wrong. These outward regulations are not biblically stipulated. However, the inward result sought by that generation is. We are to be separated. That's the idea of holiness. Today we hear little of separation from evil in the church. In fact, it seems we are often dead set on making our churches as near the world as possible.
What have we lost by this forfeiture of our separation? Three things. First, we have lost the idea of the untouchably holy. At Mount Sinai, a boundary was required by Yahweh to keep even the priests from coming too close to God. And when they got too close God told Moses to go back down there and get the people to get away so He didn't have to destroy them. When you go to church do you ever feel that you are dealing with Something so high and so holy you dare not look up? We raise our hands. We never get on our bellies. We're never made to feel like that anymore. I was recently in a mega church. It had coffee machines, soda machines, and pinball machines. Entertainment trumped holiness.
Second, we have lost personal holiness. In our insistence to never restrict our Christian freedom, we forgot to deny ourselves. Okay, you have the freedom to go to the movie theater. You don't have the freedom to laugh at raunchy jokes. You have the freedom to listen to any kind of music you want. You don't have the right to think on anything that would embarrass you in front of your Father. Many church goers would NEVER be willing to miss a movie just because it has a sex scene in it. Or because it uses the Lord's Name in vain. Or because it treats women like objects for men's pleasure. Or because it teaches kids to disrespect their parents. Then when we cuss and lust and our kids are awful, why are we surprised? Turn off the TV and get out your Bible. Skip the movie and spend a night with your wife, including a prayer time. Skip the concert and go pass out tracts to folks in line at the theater.
Third, we have lost our sense of corporate holiness. The principle of fellowship requires that we care about our associations individually and as a church. In our circles it is common place to associate with ministries that are in open heresy. Christian radio and TV stations carry Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyer. Religious book stores carry Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo. Christians openly patronize these businesses. I'm in the Southern Baptist Convention. In my denomination it is common for us to have Emergent heretics and their books. If you protest, you will be punished.
I recently challenged a group of Christian bloggers for plugging a purposely altered version of the Bible, the TNIV. One said, "Do I smell guilt by association?" (I was too polite to ask him if I smelled theology by slogan.) The assumption was clear, though. You're never guilty by association. I told him he did smell guilt by association. Then I gave him some Scriptures that make the fellowship principle clear. He didn't write anymore on the subject. In our time it is considered okay for churches and Christian groups to work tightly with heretics and unbelievers. In fact, if you want to be black-balled, just raise your voice about it. Read Numbers 19. The red heifer was not to be touched. The corpse was not to be touched. The unclean thing is not to be touched. What was God trying to teach the sons of Jacob if not separation? Did not both Paul and John tell us to shun the false teacher?
NUMBER 8. UPRIGHTNESS IN THE PULPIT. Fifty years ago, no evangelical church would countenance a man in the pulpit who was divorced. Now we allow the newly divorced to stay in the pulpit during the divorce. We once expected to see a man there who was spotless in reputation. He could have been a hellion before his conversion, but scandals were not really heard of during their tenure.
I'm not going to go through the rogues' list. First, they're not necessarily rogue's, though some surely are. Some may be men of God who really messed up. Second, you already know enough to see it's been a problem.
Remember the story of Uzzah and the ark in II Samuel 6? King David was having the ark transported back to Jerusalem. Two things went wrong. First, it was set on a wagon, instead of being carried by priests holding it by the poles. That alone was a violation of God's instructions on its handling. Oh, it was a new wagon. It just wasn't what God wanted. Second, when it tipped, (which wouldn't have happened if it had been transported as God instructed) Uzzah grabbed it to steady it. God killed him. The punished sin was Uzzah's. The ark was never to be touched. But part of the blame belongs to David. The ark was to be moved by the priests on foot, carrying it by the poles. If that procedure had been followed the oxen would not have stumbled and the ark would not have needed steadying.
In this way, at least some of our fallen preachers have been helped along toward their sin by a church that was compromised. Many of the preacher sex scandals have come out of closed door counselling sessions. If we had not incorporated psychological methods and if we had insisted on the biblical practice of women discipling women and men discipling men, a number of these things would not have happened. These preachers are responsible for their sins, but we are responsible for our own compromise as a church. Our laxity has undoubtedly contributed to at least some of their falls. We've let the attitudes and practices of the world come in. Is it any wonder we act like the world?
In Christ,
Phil Perkins. PS--In the final installment we will look at four ways in which the church has lost its heart right in the sanctuary to worldliness. The Church Conformed To The World In The Sanctuary.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Quote Of The Week 03-03-07
Lost sinners have no knowledge of the glistening purity, of the absolute righteousness, and of the glorious holiness of Jehovah.
--Rev. John Wagner
--Rev. John Wagner
Friday, March 02, 2007
Street Preaching III--Evangelicalism Sending People To Hell
Last night, I went out in a relief bus from Harvest Church. A married couple from that church ran things. It was a pretty nice converted ambulance and it was equipped with blankets, hot soup, coats, hats, and so forth. In addition to the married couple, Jeff and Susan, were Mark Johnson and Mike Martinez. Mark is a long time friend of mine and it was he who arranged for me to come along and minister to street people. Mike was brought by Mark, too.
Evangelicalism stinks--Case #1.
The first guy I tried to tell the gospel to was another "Mike." He was troubled. He'd lost seven brothers over a two year period. He didn't know why God had done this or how he could get over it. Eventually, I said that death is not normal; God did not make us to die. Then I asked him what he was going to do when he died. He said he had "accepted Jesus" so he thought he had "a shot."
So he had been told all he had to do was pray a prayer and that would save him, regardless of his lifestyle. Some Evangelical preacher told him that.
The second fellow I got to tell the gospel to was not interested in thinking very far ahead. He didn't want to hear of it. So we small-talked. He was shivering so I asked for and got a coat and a blanket for him.
Evangelicalism stinks--Case #2.
The third fellow I got to tell the gospel to was a Jesse Duplantis fan. Duplantis is a word-faith heretic. However, such are now considered Evangelical. Witness Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland. Copeland teaches that God has a body and that Adam was equal with God before the fall. So Copeland is not even a Christian in the sense of historical orthodoxy. He's closer to a Mormon. However, under the big dung heap called Evangelicalism he is a legitimate minister to be found on the same stations and in the same book stores as godly men like John MacArthur or R. C. Sproul. (More prominently displayed, however.)
Well, this fellow was not homeless. He just saw free food. I asked him if he had a problem with God. No, he was going to be forgiven. God forgives everybody. Jesse says so. He gets Jesse's monthly publication. Everyone is forgiven. We all go to heaven. I am not familiar enough with Duplantis' ministry to know if he actually teaches universalism, but it is clear that a fan can listen to him for a long time and never hear that there is a hell to avoid. I told him that few will be forgiven and gave him a tract. He seemed a bit more quiet when told these things.
Evangelicalism stinks--Case #3.
Finally, there was the clean, handsome, young homosexual. I did not get to visit with him. Others did. He "followed the teachings of Jesus." Or so he thought.
I really loved going out to witness and will next week with them again. However, it is evident that to reach these folks we will have to overcome decades of Evangelical error before these folks know they need to repent of their sins.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
Evangelicalism stinks--Case #1.
The first guy I tried to tell the gospel to was another "Mike." He was troubled. He'd lost seven brothers over a two year period. He didn't know why God had done this or how he could get over it. Eventually, I said that death is not normal; God did not make us to die. Then I asked him what he was going to do when he died. He said he had "accepted Jesus" so he thought he had "a shot."
So he had been told all he had to do was pray a prayer and that would save him, regardless of his lifestyle. Some Evangelical preacher told him that.
The second fellow I got to tell the gospel to was not interested in thinking very far ahead. He didn't want to hear of it. So we small-talked. He was shivering so I asked for and got a coat and a blanket for him.
Evangelicalism stinks--Case #2.
The third fellow I got to tell the gospel to was a Jesse Duplantis fan. Duplantis is a word-faith heretic. However, such are now considered Evangelical. Witness Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland. Copeland teaches that God has a body and that Adam was equal with God before the fall. So Copeland is not even a Christian in the sense of historical orthodoxy. He's closer to a Mormon. However, under the big dung heap called Evangelicalism he is a legitimate minister to be found on the same stations and in the same book stores as godly men like John MacArthur or R. C. Sproul. (More prominently displayed, however.)
Well, this fellow was not homeless. He just saw free food. I asked him if he had a problem with God. No, he was going to be forgiven. God forgives everybody. Jesse says so. He gets Jesse's monthly publication. Everyone is forgiven. We all go to heaven. I am not familiar enough with Duplantis' ministry to know if he actually teaches universalism, but it is clear that a fan can listen to him for a long time and never hear that there is a hell to avoid. I told him that few will be forgiven and gave him a tract. He seemed a bit more quiet when told these things.
Evangelicalism stinks--Case #3.
Finally, there was the clean, handsome, young homosexual. I did not get to visit with him. Others did. He "followed the teachings of Jesus." Or so he thought.
I really loved going out to witness and will next week with them again. However, it is evident that to reach these folks we will have to overcome decades of Evangelical error before these folks know they need to repent of their sins.
In Christ,
Phil Perkins.
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